Financial Market Forecasts

Predicting Market Moves Before They Happen

I have known David since 1988 when I headed Sterling Eurobond trading at JPMorgan in London. David was then and remains a polymath whose fascination and study of behavioural patterns is prescient. His track record, available on his website Quarterly performance appraisals, reveals his accuracy in pinpointing entry and exit points for his lateral views of markets, geopolitical events and human behaviour. Following his initial success as one of the first proprietary traders at JPM, David was asked to set up and run a price-based market analysis group. This was an innovative and bold move for a traditional and highly conservative operation. What impressed me most about David was his independent and lateral analysis. Never one to be carried along by the crowd David saw patterns that others did not which were portents of market moves. My interactions with David at JPM led to a long and enduring relationship with him that continues nearly 35 years later. During that time I have watched him develop and improve his market behavioural models to their current form. Whilst no market predictor will ever be right one hundred per cent of the time David's consistency and his risk-reward approach as revealed in his audited results, are compelling. The precision of his entry points for trades which provide low-risk trading opportunities are reflected in his quarterly published trading results. His insights are extremely valuable and alpha generative, across not only the main market sectors but individual shares. Whether your interest is in predicting market movements, geopolitical events or behavioural modelling David’s book Breaking the Code of History was and continues to be groundbreaking and has inspired many coming after him to explore David’s compelling analysis.

Dominic Price is a veteran banker who worked for JPMorgan for over 25 years including in several senior roles in Asia and was a subsequently a Senior Advisor to JPMorgan. (January 2023.)

David, your fully integrated work combining global geopolitical historical perspective, overlaid with a keen understanding of the inner working of financial markets, provides a level of wisdom that is rare. The quality and depth of research is invaluable to leaders across the political, corporate and investment disciplines.

Satish Rai - Chief Investment Officer OMERS Pension Fund Canada

David Murrin is an amazing geopolitical and macro thinker. He was my consultant while I was at Exoduspoint and one of the few non-linear thinkers who could provide real alpha.

Antonio Fortes Senior PM

I have known David for over five years and, during that time (all documented) he has predicted the rise of Trump, every twist and turn during the three-year course of Brexit, including Boris becoming PM (a year before he did), and the landslide election result.

On January 30th he called me and really panicked me (I have all the WhatsApp’s to prove it), which made me dump most of our family equity portfolio and move into cash. He has saved us a large fortune!

When no one was looking, in early January, he warned that the Wuhan Flu was going to become a pandemic that would bring the global economy to a dead stop. Simultaneously he predicted the drop of oil from $65 to sub$27 and the collapse of the stock markets. All these predictions were in papers he wrote, and speeches he gave (some at my Invest Africa events), and most people then thought him mad. How silly (and poor) they look now.

Rob Hersov - Chairman of Invest Africa

Blain's Morning Porridge

Bill Blain - Investment banker and market commentator

I will state from the outset that I generally shun predictions and, by extension, am suspicious of those that claim to see the future. Nonetheless, while David refers to “predictions” on his website, I believe that these are better described as an interpretation of geopolitical conditions through the prism of his Stages of Empire theory. This has enabled David to consistently make seemingly outlandish but remarkably accurate interpretations of current events and, by extension, market calls. Given his interpretative framework, I see no reason why David’s analysis should not remain as consistently accurate for many years to come.

Andy Pfaff - Chief Investment Officer | Coherent Commodity Investment (Pty) Ltd

Many thanks for your Valuable advice on positioning in different asset classes.

Prakash Shirke - CFA Investment Adviser

Recalling our meeting at a Hannam and Partners dinner and subsequent lunch, I have regarded you as something of a sage as you predicted both the Trump victory and Brexit referendum as well as the market meltdown which we have witnessed over the past week or so.

John Battersby  - Director of the South African Chamber of Commerce consultant/journalist/author

Several years ago I had the fortune of meeting David Murrin through Rob Hersov. David captured his audience with his candid dialogue, no frill content and a wit that equaled his exceptional insights. His ability to leverage off historical context and provide relevance to the current global political arena had his audience spellbound. I would recommend David as both a speaker or VIP dinner guest at any table.

Ariella Kuper - CEO Solution Strategists Pty Ltd

I don’t know enough about charting to make much of it myself, but I’ve seen enough to recognize the repetitive nature of market-driven behaviour. Market patterns do repeat and are therefore worth paying attention to. For instance, for a superb overview, take a look at David Murrin’s website. His global forecasts and commentary is worth a sign up to run through his chart-supported outlook and reading of the underlying forces at play

Bill Blain - Morning Porridge and Shard Capital

David Murrin is a long time friend as well as a very special investor. He brings to the 21st century an enormous amount of experience as well as knowledge. We live in a very difficult environment. He is in invaluable.

Johnathan Smith Founder - Chesapeake Asset Management

David Murrin is one of the best global macro forecasters I know, do sign up for his newsletter… ...he is an outstanding human and one of my favourite people in this industry

Anric Blatt Managing Partner - involved with hedge funds and the #FinancialPlanning community since 1994, has done due diligence on 15,000+ funds and has been an investor in thousands of them

You were spot on your forecast of the Tory majority when I spoke with you 2 months before the November election. You were spot on with your forecast months before the Covid-19 pandemic of what impact it would have on the global economy and I did not believe you ! You have been spot on with gold and commodity prices.

As you know, I tend to always look on the bright side of life and try and believe that disasters will be averted but this pandemic and the global economic partial paralysis is an event which I never thought I would experience in my lifetime and clearly will have disastrous economic ramifications for the medium term.

Retrospection can teach us all lessons but the accurate vision for the future is a rare talent.

Lord St. John Anthony - 22nd Baron St John of Bletso is a British peer, politician, businessman and solicitor

Quite often, those of us continuously trading in the markets tend to get lost in the noise and pay less attention to the major geopolitical issues that will shape the global economy for years to come. These geopolitical transformations are happening now. David is there to help you bring these issues into focus and help you think outside the box. We've had numerous in-depth discussions on how these transformations will impact not only our portfolios but our lives in general.

Antonino Fortes Senior Portfollio manager

Who is this for?

This service is for:

  • Banks
  • Pension Funds
  • Resource and commodity companies
  • Hedge Funds (Macro and Long/short)
  • Corporate Treasuries
  • Family Offices
  • HNWIs

What is the basis of David's analysis?

David developed a unique and effective set of behavioural models to predict financial markets, whilst at JPM, which were extremely effective and profitable. They acted as the foundation for his 20-year career as a CIO of his hedge fund Emergent. With some remarkable returns in the most bearish of markets (e.g 84% in 2008 - see track record).

What analysis can I get?

David provides two types of market analysis:

  • The CIOs Long–Short View service is designed to provide long-term and medium-term investment outlooks for long-short funds and aims to follow a portfolio of 50 shares from the sectors that we cover.
  • The Premium CIOs Long–Short View - this service is designed to provide long-term and medium-term investment outlooks into long and short positions in specific shares specific recommendations in a range of markets.

Do you offer different subscription options?

Yes. David offers a number of different levels of subscription to meet your needs and budget, on a 3 or 12-month basis.

How do I gain access to the analysis?

Once subscribed you can login to the site and view the analysis in a secure area of the site. 

Click on the Pricing tab to view the costs and subscribe now.


David Murrin has been a macro trader since 1986, first working at JPM on its first Prop desk and then as a founder and CIO of his Macro and Emerging Market Fund, Emergent Asset Management, for over 20 years. During that time he has had a remarkable track record of predicting major market declines and profiting extensively from them. Short at the highs and then running with the decline in the 1998 Asian Crisis, the 2001 dot com bubble, the 2003 Argentine crisis, the 2007 bear market, the flash crash of 2011, last but not least the February 2020 pandemic risk-off crisis. However, his work not only accurately predicts these big dislocations and but also then focuses on the safe periods to then extract risk-off Alpha. Subscribing to Global Forecaster is effectively akin to having access to an outsourced but very experienced CIO, with a uniquely successful track record.

Global Forecaster provides one of the broadest and most accurate tools for predicting geopolitical events and financial reversals and trends. This is achieved by the integration of two unique behavioural models which act as independently long-range search radars, de-risking against shocks and finding low-risk and high-return trading opportunities and strategies to maximise investment returns. Both models are based on the mosaic gathering of multiple elements of information that, when integrated, create remarkably accurate predictions. Our results speak for themselves: our two long-range search radars are based on:

  1. Our geopolitical predictions are generated from our theories including Dyslexic Strategic Thinking in conjunction with human collective behaviour. The Five-Phase Lifecycle, the Polarisation Process, Dyslexic Strategic Thinking and the Commodity K cycles allow us to predict national behaviours such as the path of the Brexit process, the path of American decline and the aggressive rise of China in considerable detail. These models have allowed us to predict every UK and US election result accurately for the past 20 years and accompanying foreign policy changes and focuses. Having built a baseline of global geopolitics, we can quickly detect new factors that will have profound impacts on geopolitical and financial markets, e.g. on 5th January 2020, we accurately predicted that the Wuhan epidemic would become a global pandemic. Most of all, our model allows us to look at the impact of cycles that have a longer wavelength that can be detected in the price history of modern financial markets, such as the decline of the Western Christian Super Empire.
  2. Our pattern recognition models are applied across the whole global market complex. Global Forecaster uses a probabilistic pattern recognition system which is applied to over 67 markets. This includes 23 Equity indices, 22 FX pairs, 6 bond markets, and 16 commodity markets, and also over 100 individual shares. Our Wave counts are in effect a language to describe market behaviour by identifying patterns over multiple timeframes, to locate reversal points that then unfold into longer-term trends, providing multiple risk-return profiles. Each market is then correlated to others in their sector, to confirm the pattern quality, and then sectors are compared to other sectors to create integrated roadmap scenarios that give further certainty to our predictions.

    Having constructed a clear image of the expectations of markets, we apply our fire control radar to apply specific risk recommendations across specific sectors and markets that can be combined into effective portfolios for Alpha-generating strategies.
  3. We make specific real-time risk-adjusted trade recommendations, with entry points and stops, and recommended sizes relating to our evaluation of the quality of the trade (ranging from 33%, 66%, 100% 133%, 166%, 200%). The results are then published at the end of each quarter so that our performance in various sectors can be evaluated by our clients, allowing them to assess the reliability of our forecasts and the quality of our returns. New trades are sent within five minutes of publication to clients’ emails, providing actionable real-time trade recommendations. This is ideal for risk-takers who seek specific trade recommendations with precise low-risk-high-reward entry points. The sequence of Gold trades below shows our process.


Click a chart to view a larger version.

Please use the tabs above to view our USP, a sample CIOs Long–Short View, quarterly appraisals, testimonials, FAQs and our full list of prices with links to subscribe. 

1. Who Are Our Clients?

Global Forecaster’s clients range from the largest pension funds and hedge funds in the world to family offices, professional investors (as defined by the FCA). All who value our long and medium-term strategies. Whilst our hedge fund clients benefit from our specific trading recommendations as part of an integrated strategy. All benefit from the increase of 360-degree situational awareness that we offer, derived from a source of analysis that is independent of the impact of collective sentiment that makes most analysis bullish at the highs and bearish at the lows.

  • Banks
  • Pension Funds
  • Resource and commodity companies
  • Hedge Funds (Macro and Long/short)
  • Corporate Treasuries
  • Family Offices
  • HNWIs

2. How To Access Our Market Analysis and Predictions

Global Forecaster has created a range of Products for the needs of both Macro Directional and Long–Short Clients; All new updates will arrive by email to your inbox within 5 minutes of publication. We offer paid trials of 3 months and thereafter 12-month rolling subscriptions. All prices are ex-VAT.

1. The CIOs Long–Short View service is designed to provide long-term and medium-term investment outlooks for long-short funds and aims to follow a portfolio of 50 shares from the sectors that we cover. We use our macro construct as expressed in our CIOs Macro View to find favoured thematics that allow us to then focus on our chosen sectors, eg we might be bullish on oil so we would then focus on the oil sector. Then within the sector, we look for the strongest share to express a bull view and the weakest share to express a bear view. Thus we use a top-down bottom ups methodology that has proven very successful. Our portfolio is then updated as and when major market events provide new information to manage our active portfolio. This product is ideal for long/short funds, who seek specific trade strategic and detailed recommendations. When combined with our Premium Long–Short View this seeks to provide precise low risk-high reward entry points. £1500 per month per subscriber.

2. The Premium CIOs Long–Short View – this service is designed to provide long-term and medium-term investment outlooks into long and short positions in specific shares in a range of markets outlined below. We provide real-time entry points and stops and recommended sizes relating to our evaluation of the quality of the trade (ranging from 33%, 66%, 100% 133%, 166%, 200%). Our results are published at the end of each quarter, so that our performance in various sectors can be evaluated by our clients, allowing them to assess the reliability of our forecasts and the quality of our returns. New trades are sent via emails providing actionable real-time trade recommendations. This product is ideal for risk-takers who seek specific trade recommendations with precise low-risk-high reward entry points. £3500 per month per subscriber. They cover the following sectors:

  • Agriculture
  • Aviation
  • Banks
  • Consumer
  • Credit
  • Energy
  • Entertainment
  • Funds
  • Heavy Industry
  • Hi-Tech
  • Homebuilders
  • Mining
  • Precious Metals
  • Russell 2000
  • Space

3. The Long/Short Package includes The CIOs Long–Short View, The Premium CIOs Long–Short View and Equity Indices Executions £5000 per month per subscriber. In addition, advisory packages are available on request.

4. The External CIO – provides a bespoke service that integrates every aspect of The Long–Short Package subscription with the risk-taking aspects of our clients portfolios through personnel discussion and interaction. This also includes objective support with respect to the harnessing of trading psychology to maximise profitability.  A useful tool to maximise returns when under pressure from losses, or indeed after having an excellent run of profitability. Price by agreement. Engage David

Individual Share Analysis & Forecasts

The CIOs Long–Short View

This product is ideal for long–short funds, who seek specific trade strategies and detailed recommendations. When combined with our Individual Share Analysis & Forecasts this seeks to provide precise low risk-high reward entry points.

1 month - £1500


Access to The CIOs Long–Short View - long-term and medium-term investment outlooks for long-short funds and aims to follow a portfolio of 50 shares from the sectors that we cover, within a secure member’s area on the website. Also sent in a newsletter, within minutes of publication to the website.


Access to David’s Long–Short Trade Executions - real-time trade recommendations across Agriculture, Aviation, Banks, Consumer, Credit, Energy, Entertainment, Heavy Industry, Hi-Tech, Homebuilders, Mining, Precious Metals, Russell 2000, Space and Travel, within a secure member’s area on the website. Also sent in a newsletter, within minutes of publication to the website.
View an example execution

£1500 per month


The Premium CIOs Long–Short View

You’ll receive David’s invaluable real-time trade recommendations, including charts and market outlooks. Sectors covered include: Agriculture, Aviation, Banks, Consumer, Credit, Energy, Entertainment, Heavy Industry, Hi-Tech, Homebuilders, Mining, Precious Metals, Russell 2000, Space and Travel.

1 month - £3500


Access to The CIOs Long–Short View - long-term and medium-term investment outlooks for long-short funds and aims to follow a portfolio of 50 shares from the sectors that we cover, within a secure member’s area on the website. Also sent in a newsletter, within minutes of publication to the website.


Access to David’s Long–Short Trade Executions - real-time trade recommendations across Agriculture, Aviation, Banks, Consumer, Credit, Energy, Entertainment, Heavy Industry, Hi-Tech, Homebuilders, Mining, Precious Metals, Russell 2000, Space and Travel, within a secure member’s area on the website. Also sent in a newsletter, within minutes of publication to the website.
View an example execution

£3500 per month


Long/Short Package

David’s premium package is for anyone who seeks specific trade strategies and detailed recommendations.

You’ll receive David’s invaluable real-time trade recommendations, including charts and market outlooks, for Equity indices and individual shares across a range of sectors, within a secure member’s area on the website.


1 month - £5000



Access to The CIOs Long–Short View - long-term and medium-term investment outlooks for long-short funds and aims to follow a portfolio of 50 shares from the sectors that we cover, within a secure member’s area on the website. Also sent in a newsletter, within minutes of publication to the website.


Access to David’s Long–Short Trade Executions - real-time trade recommendations across Agriculture, Aviation, Banks, Consumer, Credit, Energy, Entertainment, Heavy Industry, Hi-Tech, Homebuilders, Mining, Precious Metals, Russell 2000, Space and Travel, within a secure member’s area on the website. Also sent in a newsletter, within minutes of publication to the website.
View an example execution


Access to David’s David’s Macro Trade Executions - real-time trade recommendations across Equity Indices, within a secure member’s area on the website. Also sent in a newsletter, within minutes of publication to the website.
View an example execution

David Murrin's registered office is:

The Mill, Blackdown Park, Haselmere, Surrey GU27 3BU


Liability disclaimer

While every effort has been made to provide clear, accurate and complete information, the changing nature of laws and regulations may lead to delays, omissions or inaccuracies in information contained on this website. David Murrin does not guarantee that the website will be error-free, omission-free, free from viruses, uninterrupted or without delay. Therefore, the information is provided ‘as is' without warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, including accuracy, timeliness and completeness.

The information contained on the website has been prepared for general guidance only; it does not constitute professional advice. Users should consult with a professional advisers for advice concerning specific matters before making any decision. David Murrin does not accept liability or responsibility for loss (personal or business) occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any information contained on this website.

The website contains hypertext links to third party websites. David Murrin cannot provide any warranty (express or implied) as to the accuracy or source of information contained on these third party websites. Hypertext links from the David Murrin website to third party websites do not constitute any endorsement of these third party companies or organisations and are provided purely as a convenience to our users.


Futures, options, bond, Crypto Currency, FX, precious metals  and share trading all have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in these markets. Don’t trade with money you can’t afford to lose. This website and the products, services and other information contained herein is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell any of these markets. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Trading Involves Risk

Use of any of this information is entirely at your own risk, for which Global Forecaster will not be liable. neither we nor any third parties provide any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and content found or offered in the material for any particular purpose. You acknowledge that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and we expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law. All information exists for nor other than general educational purposes.
CFTC RULE 4.41.(b)(1)(i)

Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, because these trades have not actually been executed, these results may have under-or over-compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated or hypothetical trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to these being shown.

The CIOS Long–Short View and Long–Short Subscriptions (“the Service”)

  • 100% advance payment for subscription packages and for renewals
  • Subscription period starts from the date of payment realization.
  • No refund of payment allowed under any circumstances.

All decisions of buying & selling stocks are at the sole discretion of the subscriber. The recommendations are based on Technicals/Fundamentals, Facts, Indicators and other methods, which change as the markets are dynamic and we are not liable for any loss that could occur as a result of the recommendations.

You should be aware of the risks inherent in the stock market. Past performance does not guarantee or imply future success. You cannot assume that profits or gains will be realized or that any recommendation made by the Service will be profitable. The purchase of securities discussed by the Service may result in the loss of some or all of any investment made. We recommend that you consult a stockbroker or financial advisor before buying or selling securities, or making any investment decisions. You assume the entire cost and risk of any investing and/or trading you choose to undertake.

All information provided by the Service is obtained from sources believed to be accurate and reliable. However, due to the number of sources from which information on the Service is obtained, and the inherent hazards of electronic distribution, there may be delays, omissions, or inaccuracies in such information.

These terms and conditions apply to the User who uses the Online Payment Services provided for any payment made to David Murrin. By authorizing a payment to David Murrin through the online payment service, it would be treated as a deemed acceptance of these terms and conditions. David Murrin reserves all the rights to amend these terms and conditions at any time.

Under the AIFMD, a "'professional investor' means an investor which is considered to be a professional client or may, on request, be treated as a professional client within the meaning of Annex II to Directive 2004/39/EC".i.e a professional investor means an investor who possesses the experience, knowledge and expertise to make its own investment decisions and properly assess the risks that it incurs.

No Retransmission Of Information

The services are strictly provided for personal and non-commerical use. You may not resell, redistribute, broadcast or transfer the information or use the information in a searchable, machine-readable database unless separately and specifically authorized in writing by David Murrin prior to such use.


Copyright and all intellectual property rights in the content of this site are vested with David Murrin and reserved, unless indicated otherwise. The content of this site belongs to David Murrin unless indicated otherwise.

Any unauthorised use of any material on the website may violate copyright, trademark and other laws. Materials on this website may not be modified, reproduced or publicly displayed, performed or distributed or used for any public or commercial purposes.


Our website contains links to other sites, but this Privacy Policy applies only to personal data collected via the website operated by David Murrin, and to how David Murrin processes personal data. We are not responsible for the privacy policies of other sites.

Use of email

Although we take great care to protect the security of communications to and from our website, please be aware that we cannot guarantee that such communications will remain confidential before they have arrived in or after they have left our systems.

Summary of Global Forecaster

Global Forecaster is a world leader in predicting geopolitical and financial market moves, leading to high alpha generation.

The Global Forecaster’s range of products has been designed to be the perfect adjunct to enhance CIOs and risk-takers investment returns. We provide a fully accountable real-time trade recommendation platform. This allows our clients to access the systematic trading inputs from an external Alpha-generating CIO, with 35 years of macro directional trading experience.

Recommendations are made based on pattern recognition techniques in some 5 sectors and 80 markets within the macro markets complex and 200 shares and are structured as a transparent real-time portfolio. Our strategies are published as The CIOs Long–Short View, which highlights the Geopolitical views contained in our Murrinations Insights that should be included in the investment thesis. Our financial analysis service then gives recommendations of trades that we are running and the new ones we will be looking to put on. Then every new trade recommendation is notified by an email alert, with a real-time trade with an entry point/stop level/size.

Individual Shares

  • RUSSELL 2000

Global Forecaster Trade Recommendations

GF is structured to be a transparent real-time portfolio. The strategy, published as The CIOs Long–Short View, which highlights the geopolitical views from our Murrinations Insights that should be included in the investment thesis. The conclusion then gives outlines of trades we are running and the new ones we will be looking to put on. Then every new trade recommendation is notified by an email alert. With a real-time trade with an entry point/stop level/size.

The below table shows  an example of a supermax long gold trade entered at the lows which as part of our major play within our precious metals strategy

  • Numbers T16a to T 16c refer to 3 separate trade entry points 100% +100%+200% to make a total 400% sized  trade
  • Over 8 quarters up to the end of Q320, gold has made over 420 trade units (trade sizes are normally from (33%) =3.3 units to (200%)= 20units. Only once in 12 months or so would we make a (400%)40 unit recommendation, like the one in play at the moment.
  • Note that the market to market (in yellow) recommendation T16a to c is up 300 units this quarter-which is a whooper of trade. And makes a total return in gold of 720.5 units 40 unit over 8.5 quarters.

For Silver, the returns were even greater.

  • Over 8 quarters up to the end of Q320 silver has made over 598 trade units
  • Note that the current recommendations T22a,b,c, are now up 386 units for this quarter which makes silver the highest return of all 80 of the macro markest that we trade and track at 985 units over 8.5 quarters.

Every quarter we then publish our results for every sector and every market and a summary of our top 15 best markets at the end of each quarter. Showing our consistency and breadth of coverage.


Portfolio Construction

From this system, we can build any portfolio according to the market and sector and the risk allowance.

Eg a simple silver plus gold portfolio that equated to risking  0.5% per 10 trade units would have made

Gold(720 units) plus silver (985.1 units)=42.2% over 9 quarters

never risking more than 1% at any one time, except the last current trade that risked 2%

These are significant risk-adjusted returns.

Furthermore, we can build any portfolio of any composition using this process in our long-short share positions.


Long/Short Sectors

This service is designed to provide long term and medium term investment outlooks in a range of markets including:

Gold Miners

  • Eldorado Gold
  • Wheaton Precious Metals
  • Harmony
  • Agnico Eagle Mines
  • Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd
  • Novagold Resources
  • Barrick Gold
  • GoldFields
  • Hecla Gold


  • Blackrock
  • Berkshire Hathaway
  • Lansdown

Silver Miners

  • Pan American Silver
  • Silver Lake Resources
  • SSR Mining
  • Coeur
  • Sibyane Stillwater

Platinum Miners

  • Anglo American Platinum

Heavy Industry

  • Fuji Heavy Industries
  • Melrose
  • US Steel


  • DR Horton
  • Barratt
  • Lennar Corp
  • Pultegroup Inc


  • Glencore
  • BHP
  • Freeport McMoRan
  • Rio Tinto
  • Yellow Cake PLC


  • Taiwan Semi Conductor
  • Apple
  • Meta
  • Microsoft
  • Tesla
  • Amazon

Russell 2000 Shares

  • Appian
  • Gamestock
  • Gamestock
  • Novavax
  • Plug Power


  • Airbus
  • International Consolidated Airlines Group
  • Boeing
  • Rolls Royce
  • Easy Jet


  • Virgin


  • HSBC
  • Lloyds PLC
  • Nat West PLC
  • Capital One
  • Bancorp
  • Bank Of America
  • Bank Of Asia
  • Bank Of Scotland
  • Barclays
  • Citi
  • Goldmans
  • JPM
  • Lloyds


  • Mastercard
  • Visa


  • BP
  • Chevron
  • Exxon
  • Premier Oil
  • Shell
  • Tullow


  • Peleton
  • Netflix
  • Disney

Those marked in bold are more frequently updated.

Sample Executions

Below are some examples from the sectors covered. Click on a sector or use the arrows provided to view each slide.

Gold Miners
Gold Miners
Heavy Industry

Novagold Looking Good To Rally

Medium Term
Very Bullish

Novagold is looking good to rally from here and  we are targeting 1400

Buy 100% in T18a here @ 720 with a 665 stop.

T18a Novagold

Hecla (Gold ) Mining Ready To Rally Strongly

Medium Term
Very Bullish

The majority of our Gold and Silver longs have survived the recent correction very well, having been very well positioned. Out of 12 only four stopped us out. One of Which is Hecla.

However the pattern of this being  end of of a correction is still in place so we are rentering our long position,

T13b buy 100% @ $500 with a $455 stop


Hecla T13b

Melrose Industries Ready For A Major Decline

Medium Term
Very Bearish

Melrose reversed as anticipated below 200 leaving a double top to the three corrective wave rally.

A break below 140 will see acceleration to ultimately reach new lows on  March 2020. This a weaker version of the FTSE-100 pattern.

lower stops to entry point at 175.0

Melrose 2D

FaceBook Ready To Face Plant

Medium Term
Very Bearish

Facebook has traced out 5 clear wave since 2013 and most critically its 4th wave is a triangle and as such we expect it to return to its base in the 25000 zone in what at the monet looks to be a 4th wave of larger degree as Long term it may well mount another rally to new high from that region in the year ahead.

But before that Tin hats on as the controller at Duxford famously said as the German bombers appeared overhead!

T2a sell 200% here @ 36252 with a 38425 stop

facebook T2a

Easy Jet Not Looking So Easy

Medium Term
Very Bearish

Easy Jet looks to have completed a very clear three wave correction since March  2020 which is now ready to break lower very sharply.A break below 930 should accelerate the decline. Our 12 month target is sub 400.

T27s a sell 100% @ 1016 with 1090 stop

Easy Jet T27 S

Boeing's debt Weighs Heavily

Medium Term

Boeing looks to have completed it correction and should now decline to new lows

Short 100% in T4 from 32423

Boeing T4

Peletons Fall makes 15x On Our Short Position

Medium Term

Peleton has fallen dramatically to make 15x our original risk but there is still more to come to the downside.

lower stop to 8000 and run the trade.

Peleton T21 D

Risk Allocation Rules

  1. Trade sizes are allocated on previous success and quality of the individual signals combined with signals from the bigger picture.
  2. The trade weighting model has evolved over the past quarters to hopefully give clients an improved measure of the perceived quality of opportunity associated with a trade recommendation. The essential principle is that each trade recommendation can have up to 10 risk unit on at any one time.100%=a 10 unit risk when translated into our performance stats.
    1. In Q4;2019 and Q1;2020 Trades were weighted with up to three risk units. Either 1x or 2x or 3x positions. In effect, a 1x position was a 33.3% weighting and  3x was a 100% weighting.
    2. In Q2;2020 Trades were weighted with up to nine risk units. Either 3x or 6x or 9x positions. In effect, a 3x position was a 33.3% weighting and  9x was a 100% weighting.
    3. In Q3;2020 Trades are migrating from the Q2;2020 structure (above) to one of the percentages. Thus In effect, a 3x position moves to a 33.3% weighting and a 9x moves to 100% weighting.
  3. Each unit is the same monetary amount from entry to stop, adjusted to size. The tighter the stop the bigger the trade size.
  4. Stops are moved as the trade progress and labelled stop 1, stop 2 and stop 3, etc.
  5. As our levels are set precisely we allow for errors in data and illiquidity. Thus stops have a discretionary add to survive through high or low tick outs.
    1. 0.5% a percent ticks in equity indexes and 2% on individual equities
    2. 40 ticks on ten year Bond trades.
    3. 0.5% on FX.
    4. 0.5% on Gold 0.9% cents on silver.
    5. 1.2% cents on Oil and all other commodities
  6. Each quarter-end there will be a performance summary  for my geopolitical calls and market calls and profitability concerning each market


From the start of my career in finance as discretionary trader 35 years ago, I have believed that the price of a market at any one time contains all aspects of the information available. Why I hear you ask?

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Global macro managers have to navigate a complex web of interconnected risks: market, credit, liquidity, financing, counterparty and operational, to name but a few...

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Wave structure


Pattern analysis templates for Market Analysis based on Elliott wave counts.

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We would all like to benefit from seeing further into the future, whether buying stocks, crafting policy, launching a new product, or simply planning the week's meals. Unfortunately, people in general tend to be terrible forecasters!

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market mavericks


We would all like to benefit from seeing further into the future, whether buying stocks, crafting policy, launching a new product, or simply planning the week's meals. Unfortunately, people in general tend to be terrible forecasters!

Read more

1. Who Are Our Clients?

Global Forecaster’s clients range from the largest pension funds and hedge funds in the world to family offices, professional investors (as defined by the FCA). All who value our long and medium-term strategies. Whilst our hedge fund clients benefit from our specific trading recommendations as part of an integrated strategy. All benefit from the increase of 360-degree situational awareness that we offer, derived from a source of analysis that is independent of the impact of collective sentiment that makes most analysis bullish at the highs and bearish at the lows.

  • Banks
  • Pension Funds
  • Resource and commodity companies
  • Hedge Funds (Macro and Long/short)
  • Corporate Treasuries
  • Family Offices
  • HNWIs

2. How To Access Our Market Analysis and Predictions

Global Forecaster has created a range of Products for the needs of both Macro Directional and Long Short Clients; All new updates will arrive by email to your inbox within 5 minutes of publication. We offer paid trials of 3 months and thereafter 12-month rolling subscriptions. All prices are ex-VAT.

1. The CIOs Macro View - comprises our full spectrum market strategy across all seven Macro sectors defined below, which integrates all of the elements of our Geopolitical perspectives (Murrinations Insights) and market views into one coherent strategy and perspective. They are updated as and when major market events provide new information, which is on average once or twice a month. This product is ideal for CIOs and Senior Risk takers to gain an external and independent perspective. Our clients include hedge funds, pension funds and family offices. Our strategies cover long and medium time frames, and are designed to be used in conjunction with our Macro Trade Executions to maximise risk versus reward through short-term entry points that then cascade in the longer-term trend direction. £1500 per month per subscriber.

2. The Premium CIOs View - This includes Macro Trade Executions, Murrinations Insights and The CIOs Macro View - this service is designed to provide specific trade recommendations in line with The CIOs Macro View – in the seven market sectors outlined below. We provide real-time entry points and stops and recommended sizes relating to our evaluation of the quality of the trade (ranging from 33%, 66%, 100% 133%, 166%, 200%). Our results are published at the end of each quarter, so that our performance in various sectors can be evaluated by our clients, allowing them to assess the reliability of our forecasts and the quality of our returns. New trades are sent via emails providing actionable real-time trade recommendations. Each sector is available to subscribe to separately or all together as part of our Global Macro package.; The global market sectors are:

  • Equity Indices
  • FX
  • Crypto Currencies
  • Bond Markets
  • Emerging Market FX and Indices
  • Commodity Markets

The Premium CIOs View includes one sector for £2200 per month. Additional sectors can be purchased at the same time at a cost of £1000 per month.

3. The Global Macro Package includes Murrinations Insights, The CIOs Macro View, and The Premium CIOs View with its Macro Trade Executions for all sectors costing £5000 per month. In addition, advisory packages are available on request.

4. The Arkent Fund – The Arkent fund is Global Forecasters unleveraged fund, that provides subscribers with our real time management of the Portfolio, with changes sent out real time. The rational behind the fund comes from or CIOs View product. Price by agreement. Engage David

5. The External CIO – provides a bespoke service that integrates every aspect of The Global Macro Package subscription with the risk-taking aspects of our clients portfolios through personnel discussion and interaction. This also includes objective support with respect to the harnessing of trading psychology to maximise profitability.  A useful tool to maximise returns when under pressure from losses, or indeed after having an excellent run of profitability. Price by agreement. Engage David


David Murrin's registered office is:

The Mill, Blackdown Park, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 3BU


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While every effort has been made to provide clear, accurate and complete information, the changing nature of laws and regulations may lead to delays, omissions or inaccuracies in information contained on this website. David Murrin does not guarantee that the website will be error-free, omission-free, free from viruses, uninterrupted or without delay. Therefore, the information is provided ‘as is' without warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, including accuracy, timeliness and completeness.

The information contained on the website has been prepared for general guidance only; it does not constitute professional advice. Users should consult with a professional adviser for advice concerning specific matters before making any decision. David Murrin does not accept liability or responsibility for loss (personal or business) occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any information contained on this website.

The website contains hypertext links to third-party websites. David Murrin cannot provide any warranty (express or implied) as to the accuracy or source of information contained on these third-party websites. Hypertext links from the David Murrin website to third-party websites do not constitute any endorsement of these third-party companies or organisations and are provided purely as a convenience to our users.

U.S. Government Required Disclaimer (Required by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission)

Futures, options, bond, Crypto Currency, FX, precious metals  and share trading all have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in these markets. Don’t trade with money you can’t afford to lose. This website and the products, services and other information contained herein is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell any of these markets. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Trading Involves Risk

Use of any of this information is entirely at your own risk, for which Global Forecaster will not be liable. neither we nor any third parties provide any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and content found or offered in the material for any particular purpose. You acknowledge that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and we expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law. All information exists for nor other than general educational purposes.
CFTC RULE 4.41.(b)(1)(i)

Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, because these trades have not actually been executed, these results may have under-or over-compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated or hypothetical trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to these being shown.

The CIOs Macro View and Macro Market Subscriptions (“the Service”)

  • 100% advance payment for subscription packages and for renewals
  • Subscription period starts from the date of payment realization.
  • No refund of payment allowed under any circumstances.

All decisions of buying & selling stocks are at the sole discretion of the subscriber. The recommendations are based on Technicals/Fundamentals, Facts, Indicators and other methods, which change as the markets are dynamic and we are not liable for any loss that could occur as a result of the recommendations.

You should be aware of the risks inherent in the stock market. Past performance does not guarantee or imply future success. You cannot assume that profits or gains will be realized or that any recommendation made by the Service will be profitable. The purchase of securities discussed by the Service may result in the loss of some or all of any investment made. We recommend that you consult a stockbroker or financial advisor before buying or selling securities, or making any investment decisions. You assume the entire cost and risk of any investing and/or trading you choose to undertake.

All information provided by the Service is obtained from sources believed to be accurate and reliable. However, due to the number of sources from which information on the Service is obtained, and the inherent hazards of electronic distribution, there may be delays, omissions, or inaccuracies in such information.

These terms and conditions apply to the User who uses the Online Payment Services provided for any payment made to David Murrin. By authorizing a payment to David Murrin through the online payment service, it would be treated as a deemed acceptance of these terms and conditions. David Murrin reserves all the rights to amend these terms and conditions at any time.

Under the AIFMD, a "'professional investor' means an investor which is considered to be a professional client or may, on request, be treated as a professional client within the meaning of Annex II to Directive 2004/39/EC".i.e a professional investor means an investor who possesses the experience, knowledge and expertise to make its own investment decisions and properly assess the risks that it incurs.

No Retransmission Of Information

The services are strictly provided for personal and non-commerical use. You may not resell, redistribute, broadcast or transfer the information or use the information in a searchable, machine-readable database unless separately and specifically authorized in writing by David Murrin prior to such use.


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Any unauthorised use of any material on the website may violate copyright, trademark and other laws. Materials on this website may not be modified, reproduced or publicly displayed, performed or distributed or used for any public or commercial purposes.


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Use of email

Although we take great care to protect the security of communications to and from our website, please be aware that we cannot guarantee that such communications will remain confidential before they have arrived in or after they have left our systems.

Summary of Global Forecaster

Global Forecaster is a world leader in predicting geopolitical and financial market moves, leading to high alpha generation.

The Global Forecaster’s range of products has been designed to be the perfect adjunct to enhance CIOs and risk-takers investment returns. We provide a fully accountable real-time trade recommendation platform. This allows our clients to access the systematic trading inputs from an external Alpha-generating CIO, with 35 years of macro directional trading experience.

Recommendations are made based on pattern recognition techniques in some 5 sectors and 80 markets within the macro markets complex and 200 shares and are structured as a transparent real-time portfolio. Our strategies are published as CIOs Macro Views, which highlight the Geopolitical views contained in our Murrinations that should be included in the investment thesis. Coupled with our road map for the macro sector complex, and an analysis of each macro/share sector and how it interrelates with the other markets. Our financial analysis service then gives recommendations of trades that we are running and the new ones we will be looking to put on. Then every new trade recommendation is notified by an email alert, with a real-time trade with an entry point/stop level/size.

Macro Products

  • Equities
  • FX
  • Crypto Currencies
  • Bonds
  • Emerging Markets
  • Commodities

Global Forecaster Trade Recommendations

GF is structured to be a transparent real-time portfolio. With the strategy published as CIOs Macro Views, which heights the geopolitical views from the Murrinations that should be included in the investment thesis. Coupled with our road map and an analysis of each macro/share sector and how it interrelates with the other markets. The conclusion then gives outlines of trades we are running and the new ones we will be looking to put on. Then every new trade recommendation is notified by an email alert. With a real-time trade with an entry point/stop level/size.

The below table shows  an example of a supermax long gold trade entered at the lows which as part of our major play within our precious metals strategy

  • Numbers T16a to T 16c refer to 3 separate trade entry points 100% +100%+200% to make a total 400% sized  trade
  • Over 8 quarters up to the end of Q320, gold has made over 420 trade units (trade sizes are normally from (33%) =3.3 units to (200%)= 20units. Only once in 12 months or so would we make a (400%)40 unit recommendation, like the one in play at the moment.
  • Note that the market to market (in yellow) recommendation T16a to c is up 300 units this quarter-which is a whooper of trade. And makes a total return in gold of 720.5 units 40 unit over 8.5 quarters.

For Silver, the returns were even greater.

  • Over 8 quarters up to the end of Q320 silver has made over 598 trade units
  • Note that the current recommendations T22a,b,c, are now up 386 units for this quarter which makes silver the highest return of all 80 of the macro markets that we trade and track at 985 units over 8.5 quarters.

Every quarter we then publish our results for every sector and every market and a summary of our top 15 best markets at the end of each quarter. Showing our consistency and breadth of coverage.


Portfolio Construction

From this system, we can build any portfolio according to the market and sector and the risk allowance.

Eg a simple silver plus gold portfolio that equated to risking  0.5% per 10 trade units would have made

Gold(720 units) plus silver (985.1 units)=42.2% over 9 quarters

never risking more than 1% at any one time, except the last current trade that risked 2%

These are significant risk-adjusted returns.

Furthermore, we can build any portfolio of any composition using this process in both Macro markets positions.

Who is this for?

This service is for:

  • Banks
  • Pension Funds
  • Resource and commodity companies
  • Hedge Funds (Macro and Long/short)
  • Corporate Treasuries
  • Family Offices
  • HNWIs

What is the basis of David's analysis?

David developed a unique and effective set of behavioural models to predict financial markets, whilst at JPM, which were extremely effective and profitable. They acted as the foundation for his 20-year career as a CIO of his hedge fund Emergent. With some remarkable returns in the most bearish of markets (e.g 84% in 2008 - see track record).

What analysis can I get?

David provides two types of market analysis:

  • The CIOs Macro View - These are the integration of all elements of our market views into one coherent strategy and perspective. Integrating price models and our Geopolitical perspectives (Murrinations) into a single holistic predictive perspective. They are updated as and when major market events provide new information, which is on average once or twice a month. (Formerly Arkent Scenarios, named after the Ark and severity of the next expected global economic downturn.)
  • Macro Trade Executions - This service is designed to provide long-term and medium-term investment outlooks and specific executions in a range of markets outlined above. Updates are sent out real-time as and when the market moves require.

Do you offer different subscription options?

Yes. David offers a number of different levels of subscription to meet your needs and budget, on a 3 or 12-month basis.

How do I gain access to the analysis?

Once subscribed you can login to the site and view the analysis in a secure area of the site. 

Click on the Pricing tab to view the costs and subscribe now.

David Murrin has been a macro trader since 1986, first working at JPM on its first Prop desk and then as a founder and CIO of his Macro and Emerging Market Fund, Emergent Asset Management, for over 20 years. During that time he has had a remarkable track record of predicting major market declines and profiting extensively from them. Short at the highs and then running with the decline in the 1998 Asian Crisis, the 2001 dot com bubble, the 2003 Argentine crisis, the 2007 bear market, the flash crash of 2011, last but not least the February 2020 pandemic risk-off crisis. However, his work not only accurately predicts these big dislocations and but also then focuses on the safe periods to then extract risk-off Alpha. Subscribing to Global Forecaster is effectively akin to having access to an outsourced but very experienced CIO, with a uniquely successful track record.

Global Forecaster provides one of the broadest and most accurate tools for predicting geopolitical events and financial reversals and trends. This is achieved by the integration of two unique behavioural models which act as independent long-range search radars, de-risking against shocks and finding low-risk and high-return trading opportunities and strategies to maximise investment returns. Both models are based on the mosaic gathering of multiple elements of information that, when integrated, create remarkably accurate predictions. Our results speak for themselves: our two long-range search radars are based on:

  1. Our geopolitical predictions are generated from our theories including Dyslexic Strategic Thinking in conjunction with human collective behaviour. The Five-Phase Lifecycle, the Polarisation Process, and the Commodity K cycles allow us to predict national behaviours such as the path of the Brexit process, the path of American decline and the aggressive rise of China in considerable detail. These models have allowed us to predict every UK and US election result accurately for the past 20 years and accompanying foreign policy changes and focuses. Having built a baseline of global geopolitics, we can quickly detect new factors that will have profound impacts on geopolitical and financial markets, e.g. on 5th January 2020, we accurately predicted that the Wuhan epidemic would become a global pandemic. Most of all, our model allows us to look at the impact of cycles that have a longer wavelength that can be detected in the price history of modern financial markets, such as the decline of the Western Christian Super Empire.
  2. Our pattern recognition models are applied across the whole global market complex. Global Forecaster uses a probabilistic pattern recognition system which is applied to over 67 markets. This includes 23 Equity indices, 22 FX pairs, 6 bond markets, and 16 commodity markets, and also over 100 individual shares. Our Wave counts are in effect a language to describe market behaviour by identifying patterns over multiple timeframes, to locate reversal points that then unfold into longer-term trends, providing multiple risk-return profiles. Each market is then correlated to others in their sector, to confirm the pattern quality, and then sectors are compared to other sectors to create integrated roadmap scenarios that give further certainty to our predictions.

    Having constructed a clear image of the expectations of markets, we apply our fire control radar to apply specific risk recommendations across specific sectors and markets that can be combined into effective portfolios for Alpha-generating strategies.
  3. We make specific real-time risk-adjusted trade recommendations, with entry points and stops, and recommended sizes relating to our evaluation of the quality of the trade (ranging from 33%, 66%, 100% 133%, 166%, 200%). The results are then published at the end of each quarter so that our performance in various sectors can be evaluated by our clients, allowing them to assess the reliability of our forecasts and the quality of our returns. New trades are sent within five minutes of publication to clients’ emails, providing actionable real-time trade recommendations. This is ideal for risk-takers who seek specific trade recommendations with precise low-risk-high-reward entry points. The sequence of Gold trades below shows our process.


Click a chart to view a larger version.

Please use the tabs above to view our USP, a sample CIOs Macro View, quarterly appraisals, testimonials, FAQs and our full list of prices with links to subscribe. 

I have known David since 1988 when I headed Sterling Eurobond trading at JPMorgan in London. David was then and remains a polymath whose fascination and study of behavioural patterns is prescient. His track record, available on his website Quarterly performance appraisals, reveals his accuracy in pinpointing entry and exit points for his lateral views of markets, geopolitical events and human behaviour. Following his initial success as one of the first proprietary traders at JPM, David was asked to set up and run a price-based market analysis group. This was an innovative and bold move for a traditional and highly conservative operation. What impressed me most about David was his independent and lateral analysis. Never one to be carried along by the crowd David saw patterns that others did not which were portents of market moves. My interactions with David at JPM led to a long and enduring relationship with him that continues nearly 35 years later. During that time I have watched him develop and improve his market behavioural models to their current form. Whilst no market predictor will ever be right one hundred per cent of the time David's consistency and his risk-reward approach as revealed in his audited results, are compelling. The precision of his entry points for trades which provide low-risk trading opportunities are reflected in his quarterly published trading results. His insights are extremely valuable and alpha generative, across not only the main market sectors but individual shares. Whether your interest is in predicting market movements, geopolitical events or behavioural modelling David’s book Breaking the Code of History was and continues to be groundbreaking and has inspired many coming after him to explore David’s compelling analysis.

Dominic Price is a veteran banker who worked for JPMorgan for over 25 years including in several senior roles in Asia and was a subsequently a Senior Advisor to JPMorgan. (January 2023.)

David, your fully integrated work combining global geopolitical historical perspective, overlaid with a keen understanding of the inner working of financial markets, provides a level of wisdom that is rare. The quality and depth of research is invaluable to leaders across the political, corporate and investment disciplines.

Satish Rai - Chief Investment Officer OMERS Pension Fund Canada

David Murrin is an amazing geopolitical and macro thinker. He was my consultant while I was at Exoduspoint and one of the few non-linear thinkers who could provide real alpha.

Antonio Fortes Senior PM

I have known David for over five years and, during that time (all documented) he has predicted the rise of Trump, every twist and turn during the three-year course of Brexit, including Boris becoming PM (a year before he did), and the landslide election result.

On January 30th he called me and really panicked me (I have all the WhatsApp’s to prove it), which made me dump most of our family equity portfolio and move into cash. He has saved us a large fortune!

When no one was looking, in early January, he warned that the Wuhan Flu was going to become a pandemic that would bring the global economy to a dead stop. Simultaneously he predicted the drop of oil from $65 to sub$27 and the collapse of the stock markets. All these predictions were in papers he wrote, and speeches he gave (some at my Invest Africa events), and most people then thought him mad. How silly (and poor) they look now.

Rob Hersov - Chairman of Invest Africa

Blain's Morning Porridge

Bill Blain - Investment banker and market commentator

I will state from the outset that I generally shun predictions and, by extension, am suspicious of those that claim to see the future. Nonetheless, while David refers to “predictions” on his website, I believe that these are better described as an interpretation of geopolitical conditions through the prism of his Stages of Empire theory. This has enabled David to consistently make seemingly outlandish but remarkably accurate interpretations of current events and, by extension, market calls. Given his interpretative framework, I see no reason why David’s analysis should not remain as consistently accurate for many years to come.

Andy Pfaff - Chief Investment Officer | Coherent Commodity Investment (Pty) Ltd

Many thanks for your Valuable advice on positioning in different asset classes.

Prakash Shirke - CFA Investment Adviser

Recalling our meeting at a Hannam and Partners dinner and subsequent lunch, I have regarded you as something of a sage as you predicted both the Trump victory and Brexit referendum as well as the market meltdown which we have witnessed over the past week or so.

John Battersby  - Director of the South African Chamber of Commerce consultant/journalist/author

Several years ago I had the fortune of meeting David Murrin through Rob Hersov. David captured his audience with his candid dialogue, no frill content and a wit that equaled his exceptional insights. His ability to leverage off historical context and provide relevance to the current global political arena had his audience spellbound. I would recommend David as both a speaker or VIP dinner guest at any table.

Ariella Kuper - CEO Solution Strategists Pty Ltd

I don’t know enough about charting to make much of it myself, but I’ve seen enough to recognize the repetitive nature of market-driven behaviour. Market patterns do repeat and are therefore worth paying attention to. For instance, for a superb overview, take a look at David Murrin’s website. His global forecasts and commentary is worth a sign up to run through his chart-supported outlook and reading of the underlying forces at play

Bill Blain - Morning Porridge and Shard Capital

David Murrin is a long time friend as well as a very special investor. He brings to the 21st century an enormous amount of experience as well as knowledge. We live in a very difficult environment. He is in invaluable.

Johnathan Smith Founder - Chesapeake Asset Management

David Murrin is one of the best global macro forecasters I know, do sign up for his newsletter… ...he is an outstanding human and one of my favourite people in this industry

Anric Blatt Managing Partner - involved with hedge funds and the #FinancialPlanning community since 1994, has done due diligence on 15,000+ funds and has been an investor in thousands of them

You were spot on your forecast of the Tory majority when I spoke with you 2 months before the November election. You were spot on with your forecast months before the Covid-19 pandemic of what impact it would have on the global economy and I did not believe you ! You have been spot on with gold and commodity prices.

As you know, I tend to always look on the bright side of life and try and believe that disasters will be averted but this pandemic and the global economic partial paralysis is an event which I never thought I would experience in my lifetime and clearly will have disastrous economic ramifications for the medium term.

Retrospection can teach us all lessons but the accurate vision for the future is a rare talent.

Lord St. John Anthony - 22nd Baron St John of Bletso is a British peer, politician, businessman and solicitor

Quite often, those of us continuously trading in the markets tend to get lost in the noise and pay less attention to the major geopolitical issues that will shape the global economy for years to come. These geopolitical transformations are happening now. David is there to help you bring these issues into focus and help you think outside the box. We've had numerous in-depth discussions on how these transformations will impact not only our portfolios but our lives in general.

Antonino Fortes Senior Portfollio manager
Arkent Macro Q4 2024 Performance Review – Conflict Escalation
Arkent Macro Q3 2024 Performance Review - The Threat of War Drives The  Safe Haven Rally 
Arkent Macro Q2 2024 Performance Review - The Safe Haven Rally Continues
Arkent Macro Q1 2024 Performance Review – The Rally of the Safe Havens
Arkent Macro Q4 2023 Performance Review – A Dampened Response To Escalation
Arkent Macro Q3 2023 Performance Review – Patience and Execution Discipline Pays Off

Arkent Macro Q4 2024 Performance Review – Conflict Escalation

Bitcoin Q4

Bitcoin had an outstanding performance in Q4 and our long positions had a superb quarterly performance as the 5th wave unfolded to our 108,000 to 110,000 target zone, making a 818 trade point return, which is a 21 X return to risk. So, if a portfolio risked 1% at entry, it would have made 21.0%, 82%, or annualised. So, if you wish to learn more, read this performance report!



We recommend that subscribers to our Macro CIO's View take the time to read this analysis of our performance to enhance their understanding of how we consistently extract alpha from the markets whilst minimising our downside risk on entry points with extremely tight tactical stops that are then actively managed as the trade moves in our favour.

  1. Executive summary: Global Forecaster and Global Trader.
  2. Trade recommendation and risk methodology.
  3. Our key 2024 year ahead geopolitical calls.
  4. Our main Q2 2024 geopolitical calls.
  5. Q2 2024 market predictions and performance.
  6. Alpha captures long-short fund performance.



Our Global Forecaster geopolitical and market calls have once more proven accurate during Q4 2024 as they unfold slowly before our eyes. We predicted that:

  1. The Russian offensive would see Putin apply increased pressure on Ukraine.
  2. Both the war in Ukraine and Iran's war with Israel via Hamas, the Houthis, and Hezbollah would escalate in Q4, drawing in the nations of the Axis of Autocracy ever more deeply.
  3. Underlying inflation would keep increasing, driving bond prices (and equities) lower.
  4. Accelerating inflation would push bonds lower in the early phase of a US debt crisis as spending increases, especially on defence.

Global Trader covers six macro sectors - with some 80-plus markets - and has been producing exceptional alpha extraction since its inception in 2019. In summary, Q4 2024 could best be characterised by the continued rally of the safe havens focused on cryptos as precious metals took a pause. Our capital preservation methodology has been a critical part of our risk performance, based on our ratchet risk-to-stop methodology (explained below):

  1. Our best performance has come from Bitcoin as the crypto sector rallied strongly.
  2. We also generated alpha in Bonds and in EM.
  3. Had mixed results in Equites and Commodities.
  4. The worst sector performer were our short dollar positions as our deep in the money shorts were eroded.




Global Forecaster was set up in the summer of 2019 to inform and advise professional asset managers through troubled waters. During that year, there were obvious indicators that global markets were soon to peak (in February 2020) and collapse, with the most grievous consequences. We have called this transition 'The Great Shift' as it is driven by the intersection of the peak of the K-wave cycle and the hegemonic challenge of China to America and the West.

We continually seek to quantify the accuracy of our trade recommendations as they translate into real-time market positions that are readily actionable by risk managers. We are pleased to report that the system we have used over the past six years has produced a very accurate representation of our market calls in the direction, size, and magnitude of the move. This has allowed risk takers to quickly assess the accuracy of our past predictions in any market or sector, as well as benefit from our trade recommendations.

The structure of our trade recommendations, coupled with their real-time provision, allows our clients to apply them directly to their portfolios. Similarly, we go a stage further for some clients by taking our trade recommendations and applying them to specific alpha-capture platforms with outstanding results. This service is available upon request.


Global Forecaster and Global Trader now has 21 quarters of performance under its belt and the results of our geopolitical predictions, market predictions, and alpha-capture fund performances have been exceptional. We believe the key to high returns and long-term success is based on:

  1. Prescient market views generated within a systematic multi-timeframe and price modelling system, which combines our geopolitical and market behavioural models.
  2. Our strategy of trading, which is to seek alignment with long-term trends and then to find short-term counter-trend entry points that translate into long-term time frames, producing tight-risk rewards on entry as well as high multiple-risk returns.
  3. Our tight-risk rewards on entry may mean that sometimes an entry point might require several attempts. A spreadsheet is available on request to explain all the trades that are displayed on the website and in the summary tables below.
  4. Good trade entry points with tight and structurally meaningful stops (entered with contrarian price modelling).
  5. Appropriate position sizing – to remind you of our methodology behind each trade recommendation; each real-time idea has a risk unit, defined from the entry point to the stop level, and a trade idea in one market can have a maximum of 400%, which equates to 40 risk units at any one time. Trade recommendations can be either 100% or 200%. The 400% limit in a market can be put on all at once or in combinations of sub-trades. High-conviction trades require the time frames of short, medium, and long to all be aligned. Notably, since Q2 2021, the conviction levels have been and continue to be very high due to the strong integrated signal strength associated with our price and geopolitical models.
  6. Ongoing trade management by following the progression of a trend by lowering stops where appropriate.
  7. Successful trade exit points that ideally replicate the dynamics of point 2 above by precisely picking the end of the trend.

These key points describe Global Trader's risk methodology. By reading the below quarterly performance appraisal, you will have a better idea of how we apply our risk allocation methodology, as well as how we combine geopolitical predictions using various models from Breaking The Code Of History. All of these real-time predictions have been published on the Global Forecaster website and are available to our clients.





Our main predictions for 2024 were outlined in 2024 – The Year To Stay Under Cover. One of our core investment themes was that 2024 would be:

The Year of Precious Metals and Bitcoin
For those who subscribe to our Global Trader Product, we have been advocating the main financial survival strategy to be focused on Bitcoin and even more heavily weighted to precious metals and their associated mining stocks. We believe that this year this strategy will prove to be the only game in town. Whilst bonds will fall significantly and will only accelerate lower with inflation and debt issuance, precious metals have held their value, completed a major correction, and are now only in the foothills of a powerful once-in-56-years rally to new highs and beyond. Further affirmation of our views was provided in Look Out For A Crypto Sector Rally and March – The Safe Havens Are Rallying.



Geop pic

We expected Q4 2024 to see an escalation in the war dynamics in Ukraine and the Middle East, predicting that the calm before the storm in Q3 would end with a massive entropic surge as war escalated in the gap between the US election and presidential inauguration.

1) We have often outlined in numerous Murrinations the path to this point in WW3 where, with one great regional war raging in Ukraine, the second in the Middle East will inevitably become full-blown. Why? Because the strategy of Iran’s war on Israel has had the end game of ascending to a nuclear-armed nation from whence it will, in high probability, seek to use its new weapons to wipe out Israel (see Iran’s War on Israel 11; Imminent Nuclear Breakout and Iran's War Against Israel 14; All-Out Conflict).

2) Simultaneously, Israel has been hamstrung in its response by the appeasement of the Biden regime. Similarly to Ukraine, Israel has been fighting a war for its very survival. Strategically and logically, the IDF has been seeking to work through the threats of Iran's proxies one by one before facing the core of the threat from Iran - first Hamas, then the removal of Hezbollah's 150,000 rockets, which comprises Iran’s Swords of Damocles over Israel. Now that it is significantly reduced to a small Dagger of Damocles, Israel can go after its most significant threat to its very survival - Iran’s nuclear program and rockets.

3) This escalating situation is taking place against the rising entropy of the K-wave into 2030, so de-escalation is highly unlikely. Just because Biden shut the lids on previous escalation points since October 7th, do not think the current tension will have the same outcome. Please make no mistake - both Israel and Iran are now all in and at war for their survival.

6) Much as in July 1914, we are now in an unstoppable chain reaction to a full-blown regional war in the Middle East. Yet the majority of the population of the democratic world is in total denial as to the scale of the disaster ahead.

7) China could well initiate its war with America. In line with our predictions of a total escalation into WW3, we see a high probability that China could commence its war with America as the Middle Eastern war escalates (see Red Peril 30; Ten Reasons Why Xi Will Go To War In 2024 and Red Peril 41. American War Blindness; Part 8 Vulnerability Exposed). A key reason is an oil shock that further weakens China's economy, forcing Xi into war rather than economic collapse (see Managing Investment Risk Into A War With China). China conducted its biggest exercises around Taiwan between 9-11 December which could have had a "go no go moment".

8) Delusional market behaviour. Similar to July 1914, the world and markets are in denial in a state of war blindness. Hence, we are not seeing reality reflected in markets. But remember, after the assignation of Archduke Ferdinand in 1914, the markets went sideways for a month, then when the first shot was fired, UK bonds fell 50%! To survive this situation, we must all shake off our shock and be prepared for the worst while only hoping for the best! So, re-read:

9) Look out for a massive oil price shock. The key immediate economic ramification will be the massive rally in oil to $150, and over the next few years $250, as the Gulf is closed to traffic by Iran, which will be the driver behind market responses (re-read The Iran-Israel War Will Drive A Major Commodity Rally). This did not happen, but the rallied based in Q4, even though most people were bearish!

Our geopolitical predictions were correct with respect to the war in the Middle East with the IDF attack on Iran and the escalation of Russian offensive dynamics. In addition, we saw Assad's Syrian regime fall in December as Turkey took advantage of Biden's weakness. Additionally, at the same time, China conducted its biggest exercises around Taiwan between 9-11 December, which also introduced a new blocking force to the east of Taiwan, designed to interdict Japanese and US forces coming to the islands aide. We conjecture that the exercise had a "go no go moment".



Over the quarter, we successfully followed our game plan and it is gratifying that our preferred risk allocation of Bitcoin generated the most significant alpha for the quarter whilst precious metals underwent a correction. Our biggest positions and calls for the quarter were long precious metals and short the dollar. But our overall positioning was as follows:

  • Precious metals will keep rallying - we were long.
  • Cryptos will rally - we were long.
  • Oils and commodities will skyrocket - we were long.
  • Bonds will fall - we were short from the top of the quarter correction.
  • Equity will fall - we were short at excellent levels and had mixed results.
  • FX - the dollar will fall - we were short and gave back deep in the money positions.
  • EM will fall - we were short across the complex.

The top five alpha performers of the quarter were:


The worst five alpha performers of the quarter were:




top 10

Our top performing markets over the 21 quarters continued to make significant alpha.



worst 10 Q4

Of the ten markets in this worst performing bracket, the Eurodollar is the worst, but that looks like it will change in Q1 2025. The only other significant market not performing is oil and that too looks set for a big return in Q1 2025.





This sector showed mixed results.





This sector saw our alpha generation take a tumble as deep in the money dollar positions in the Index, Euro, Cable and Swiss all gave back in what now looks to be C of wave 2. The below chart shows how we were on the wrong side of the rally all quarter:





The crypto complex rallied in various ways that demonstrated ever-narrower participation into the sectors quarter highs. In that regard, we were correct to recommend focusing on Bitcoin over other coins as institutional money flowed into this sector.




Bonds made their quarter highs of a yearlong correction at the start of October where our patience paid off and we set shorts that made the quarter profitable.




EM markets saw small negative returns for the quarter.




Commodities had a mixed quarter as various markets in the complex made lows at different points in the quarter. Gas was ahead of the pack!

X gas



We had a solid positive performance all quarter, but over the last two weeks dipped -1.17. This was ironic as the portfolio was set up for a war escalation, and the next day jumped up 4% with Iran’s missile attack. On to Q4!


Arkent Macro Q3 2024 Performance Review - The Threat of War Drives The  Safe Haven Rally 

Q3 gold

Precious metals, especially gold (shown above), have provided the best alpha generation in Q3 2024. Gold has rallied impulsively - as our market models predicted - driven by increased global entropy. We generated a massive 553 trading units from a 40-unit risk. That means a 13.8 X return to risk. So, if a portfolio risked 1% at entry, it would have made 13.8%, 55%, or annualised . So, if you wish to learn more, read this performance report!



We recommend that subscribers to our Macro CIO's View take the time to read this analysis of our performance to enhance their understanding of how we consistently extract alpha from the markets whilst minimising our downside risk on entry points with extremely tight tactical stops that are then actively managed as the trade moves in our favour.

  1. Executive summary: Global Forecaster and Global Trader.
  2. Trade recommendation and risk methodology.
  3. Our key 2024 year ahead geopolitical calls.
  4. Our main Q2 2024 geopolitical calls.
  5. Q2 2024 market predictions and performance.
  6. Alpha captures long-short fund performance.



Our Global Forecaster geopolitical and market calls have once more proven accurate during Q2 2024 as they unfold slowly before our eyes. We predicted that:

  1. The second Russian offensive would see Putin apply increased pressure on Ukraine until sufficient US aid flows in.
  2. Both the war in Ukraine and Iran's war with Israel via Hamas, the Houthis, and Hezbollah would escalate, drawing in the nations of the Axis of Autocracy ever more deeply.
  3. Underlying inflation would keep increasing, driving bond prices (and equities) lower.
  4. Accelerating inflation would push bonds lower in the early phase of a US debt crisis as spending increases, especially on defence.
  5. The banking crisis would see a third chapter as bond prices fell, led by European Banks.

Global Trader covers six macro sectors - with some 80-plus markets - and has been producing exceptional alpha extraction since its inception in 2019. In summary, Q2 2024 could best be characterised by the continued rally of the safe havens: crypto and precious metals. Our capital preservation methodology has been a critical part of our risk performance, based on our ratchet risk-to-stop methodology (explained below):

  1. Our best performance has come from precious metals as the safe havens rallied strongly.
  2. We have generated alpha in all sectors, suggesting that our overall market scenario is playing out.
  3. The worst sector performers were the equity, with mixed results between the US and EU.




Global Forecaster was set up in the summer of 2019 to inform and advise professional asset managers through troubled waters. During that year, there were obvious indicators that global markets were soon to peak (in February 2020) and collapse, with the most grievous consequences. We have called this transition 'The Great Shift' as it is driven by the intersection of the peak of the K-wave cycle and the hegemonic challenge of China to America and the West.

We continually seek to quantify the accuracy of our trade recommendations as they translate into real-time market positions that are readily actionable by risk managers. We are pleased to report that the system we have used over the past five years (plus) has produced a very accurate representation of our market calls in the direction, size, and magnitude of the move. This has allowed risk takers to quickly assess the accuracy of our past predictions in any market or sector, as well as benefit from our trade recommendations.

The structure of our trade recommendations allows our clients to apply them directly to their portfolios. Similarly, we go a stage further for some clients by taking our trade recommendations and applying them to specific alpha-capture platforms with outstanding results. This service is available upon request.


Global Forecaster and Global Trader now has 20 quarters of performance under its belt, and the results of our geopolitical predictions, market predictions, and alpha-capture fund performances have been exceptional. We believe the key to high returns and long-term success is based on:

  1. Prescient market views generated within a systematic multi-timeframe and price modelling system, which combines our geopolitical and market behavioural models.
  2. Our strategy of trading, which is to seek alignment with long-term trends and then to find short-term counter-trend entry points that translate into long-term time frames, producing tight-risk rewards on entry as well as high multiple-risk returns.
  3. Our tight-risk rewards on entry may mean that sometimes an entry point might require several attempts. A spreadsheet is available on request to explain all the trades that are displayed on the website and in the summary tables below.
  4. Good trade entry points with tight and structurally meaningful stops (entered with contrarian price modelling).
  5. Appropriate position sizing – to remind you of our methodology behind each trade recommendation; each real-time idea has a risk unit, defined from the entry point to the stop level, and a trade idea in one market can have a maximum of 400%, which equates to 40 risk units at any one time. Trade recommendations can be either 100% or 200%. The 400% limit in a market can be put on all at once or in combinations of sub-trades. High-conviction trades require the time frames of short, medium, and long to all be aligned. Notably, since Q2 2021, the conviction levels have been and continue to be very high due to the strong integrated signal strength associated with our price and geopolitical models.
  6. Ongoing trade management by following the progression of a trend by lowering stops where appropriate.
  7. Successful trade exit points that ideally replicate the dynamics of point 2 above by precisely picking the end of the trend.

These key points describe Global Trader's risk methodology. By reading the below quarterly performance appraisal, you will have a better idea of how we apply our risk allocation methodology, as well as how we combine geopolitical predictions using various models from Breaking The Code Of History. All of these real-time predictions have been published on the Global Forecaster website and are available to our clients.





Our main predictions for 2024 were outlined in 2024 – The Year To Stay Under Cover. One of our core investment themes was that 2024 would be:

The Year of Precious Metals
For those who subscribe to our Global Trader Product, we have been advocating the main financial survival strategy to be focused on Bitcoin and even more heavily weighted to precious metals and their associated mining stocks. We believe that this year this strategy will prove to be the only game in town. Whilst bonds will fall significantly and will only accelerate lower with inflation and debt issuance, precious metals have held their value, completed a major correction, and are now only in the foothills of a powerful once-in-56-years rally to new highs and beyond.




As expected, Q3 2024 was the calm before the storm prior to a massive entropic surge as war escalated. Our geopolitical predictions were very accurate with the main prediction for the quarter being that the war between Iran and Israel would escalate into a full-blown regional war as Iran made its nuclear breakout, and, simultaneously, the tempo of war conducted by Iran's proxies would escalate, a prediction that came to pass with the invasion of Lebanon and the subsequent 180-200-strong missile attack on Israel as outlined below:

As we highlighted in June; Move To Risk Off Mode As Global War Tensions Escalate, a full-blown regional war in the Middle East would draw in US naval forces which would create an irresistible target set for PLAN DF26 anti-ship missiles based in the western Chinese deserts, in addition to the US Pacific fleet that is now in the sights of their Red Lightning Pearl Harbor V2.0 pre-emptive strike.

In our Murinations Iran’s War On Israel 6; After Gaza The IDF Will Next Have to Take On Hezbollah and Iran, followed by Iran’s War on Israel 12; Escalation Over the Brink is Now Inevitable and yesterday’s Iran's war on Israel 13; War with Hezbollah in Lebanonwe explained the inevitability that Iran’s war on Israel would become a full-blown regional war, one in which the flow of oil would become constricted in the Gulf, sending prices through the roof. However, the oil price has so far been suppressed by Saudi oil pumping, working with the White House to dampen the global perspective of an ever-expanding regional war. Since we called the January High in real time in 2020, we have argued that rates are trending back to that old 1981 yield high into 2035 based on our K-wave cycle analysis. The unfolding K-wave cycle analysis predicts much higher inflation into the 2030 peak commensurate with global war and massive commodity price inflation, the conditions for which we have extensively explained in numerous Murrinations and previous CIOs views:



Over the quarter, we successfully followed our game plan that we outlined below and it is gratifying that our preferred risk allocation of gold generated the most significant alpha for the quarter.


Our big new call of the last quarter (adding to the established trends in place) was accurately identifying the US equity high in real-time with tight risk rewards at the highs. Specifically, since we called the precise high of NVIDIA in When the Magnificent Seven Became Only One- NIVIDA, it has fallen some 36%, acting as a leading indicator for the US indices. The NASDAQ is shown below:


Our view on inflation and rates also implies that we are at, or very near to, the highs of the US equity markets, as we explained in The Magnificent Seven Are Peakingand that we are in the process of making a blow off likely, driven by ever-more excessive money printing channelled into an ever-narrowing advance (see End of an Era: The Demise of Bonds and Money Printing). The price evidence of the last stock holding up the great American stock edifice is When the Magnificent Seven Became Only One- NVIDIAwhich we believe has now peaked along with the NASDAQ. This is now forming a major high and we shall see weakness going forward. The weakest index of them all, and the most sensitive to rate increases, is the Russell 2000, which we view as a real gauge for the US economy. Notably, as the stock market starts its fall, we expect the dopamine rush to end and the cortisol pain to follow. This will bring about a collective shift in national psychology that will see an awakening to the danger America is in from the autocratic alliance, so expect the news flow to darken considerably as the bear decline builds momentum. We went on to say that we were short equity markets. The big news over the past month is that there is now considerable price evidence that we have a major high in place both in the US and EU, with both the price peak in NVIDIA and all the main indices. Hence, we are trading from the short side. We continue to hold our long-term shorts in Asia in the China A50 and the HK50.

In June; Move To Risk Off Mode As Global War Tensions Escalate, we confirmed that the evidence showed that US equity markets had formed a significant, potentially very long-term high with a decline since then of 15% from the highs, a view further confirmed in Major US Equity High Now In Place and that is only now building momentum in its decline. We also warned that once the market started to fall, the collective dopamine response would give way to a cortisol response, which would wake up the collective consciousness of America to the multiple dangers faced by the Western World, and that VIX volatility that we have been long off from record lows would soar, as it is now beginning to do (shown below).

Our biggest positions and calls for the quarter were long precious metals and short the dollar. But our overall positioning was as follows:

  • Long precious metals 
  • Short the dollar: We believe that the war in Ukraine and the failure to keep the Red Sea lanes open, and now the war with Iran, continues to erode the American Empire and its methodology of dollar wealth extraction. This is reinforced by the expectation of future rate cuts.
  • Long Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, as we traded the 4th wave correction.
  • Long oil and all other commodities sectors: We remained long.
  • Short EM markets: Outside the American sphere of influence (i.e. short South Africa), and long like those in Argentina inside the US sphere of influence.
  • Short equity markets: At the highs of the move.
  • Neutral bonds looking to sell: Looking for the end of the year corrective pattern and point at which oil reverses higher linked to the war in the Middle East. We expect bonds to reverse lower.



Our top-performing macro sector was gold over the Q3 2024 period, generating an excess of 553 trading units - our most significant safe haven investment call of the year. This was a superb affirmation of our geopolitical predictive power and our ability to generate market alpha. Meanwhile, our short dollar trades have all generated good alpha returns, with the Dollar Index generating 395 trading units and Cable 241. Meanwhile, we have traded the range effectively in the Crypto 10 index, generating 370 trade points. Some of the commodity sectors like copper have generated some excellent alpha returns.

top 20


Bonds, which have been our top performers over the past five years, generated losses that were small compared to the total alpha generated as we sought new short locations at the end of the 2024 correction. Equities were negative to neutral as we positioned for the subsequent big decline with a major high in place. 

worst 10




US Equities continued to top out over the quarter in what we believe could be an all-time high for the decade—giving mixed alpha generative results that, on balance, were marginally negative. Notably, the Vix kicked upwards and generated solid returns.



This has been a good quarter for our bearish dollar view, with the Dollar Index creating 395 trading points and solid returns in dollar Swiss and Cable - our preferred safe havens.






The crypto complex has been in a correction for the quarter. Still, despite that, with good positioning, we made excellent relative returns in the Crypto 10 index (shown below) and held our own in Bitcoin whilst we lowered our entry levels from the top to the bottom of the trading range. 



Bonds started their year on the highs in a super bullish model, corresponding to being very long in the market. In contrast, we have been short ever since, generating excellent, consistent returns over both Q1 and Q2. However, Q3 saw the last part of a year-long correction as the C-wave made its highs in September. As a consequence, we have a not insignificant give back in Q3.



EM markets saw small negative returns for the quarter.



Commodities had a positive quarter except for oil, which suffered a deep retractment.



We had a solid positive performance all quarter, but over the last two weeks dipped -1.17. This was ironic as the portfolio was set up for a war escalation, and the next day jumped up 4% with Iran’s missile attack. On to Q4!



Arkent Macro Q2 2024 Performance Review - The Safe Haven Rally Continues

Safe haven rally


Precious metals, especially silver (shown above), provided the best alpha generation in Q2 2024, followed by gold. They rallied impulsively, as our market models predicted, driven by increased global entropy. 



We recommend that subscribers to our Macro CIO's View take the time to read this analysis of our performance to enhance their understanding of how we consistently extract alpha from the markets whilst minimising our downside risk on entry points with extremely tight tactical stops that are then actively managed as the trade moves in our favour.

  1. Executive summary: Global Forecaster and Global Trader.
  2. Trade recommendation and risk methodology.
  3. Our key 2024 year ahead geopolitical calls.
  4. Our main Q2 2024 geopolitical calls.
  5. Q2 2024 market predictions and performance.
  6. Alpha captures long-short fund performance.



Our Global Forecaster geopolitical and market calls have once more proven accurate during Q2 2024 as they unfold slowly before our eyes. We predicted that:

  1. The second Russian offensive would see Putin apply increased pressure on Ukraine until sufficient US aid flows in.
  2. Both the war in Ukraine and Iran's war with Israel via Hamas, the Houthis, and Hezbollah would escalate, drawing in the nations of the Axis of Autocracy ever more deeply.
  3. Underlying inflation would keep increasing, driving bond prices (and equities) lower.
  4. Accelerating inflation would push bonds lower in the early phase of a US debt crisis as spending increases, especially on defence.
  5. The banking crisis would see a third chapter as bond prices fell, led by European Banks.

Global Trader covers six macro sectors - with some 80-plus markets - and has been producing exceptional alpha extraction since its inception in 2019. In summary, Q2 2024 could best be characterised by the continued rally of the safe havens: crypto and precious metals. Our capital preservation methodology has been a critical part of our risk performance, based on our ratchet risk-to-stop methodology (explained below).

  1. Our best performance has come from precious metals as the safe havens rallied strongly.
  2. We have generated alpha in all sectors, suggesting that our overall market scenario is playing out.
  3. The worst sector performers were the equity, with mixed results between the US and EU.




Global Forecaster was set up in the summer of 2019 to inform and advise professional asset managers through troubled waters. During that year, there were obvious indicators that global markets were soon to peak (in February 2020) and collapse, with the most grievous consequences. We have called this transition The Great Shift as it is driven by the intersection of the peak of the K-wave cycle and the hegemonic challenge of China to America and the West.

We continually seek to quantify the accuracy of our trade recommendations as they translate into real-time market positions that are readily actionable by risk managers. We are pleased to report that the system we have used over the past five years (plus) has produced a very accurate representation of our market calls in the direction, size, and magnitude of the move. This has allowed risk takers to quickly assess the accuracy of our past predictions in any market or sector, as well as benefit from our trade recommendations.

The structure of our trade recommendations allows our clients to apply them directly to their portfolios. Similarly, we go a stage further for some clients by taking our trade recommendations and applying them to specific alpha-capture platforms with outstanding results. This service is available upon request.


Global Forecaster and Global Trader now has 20 quarters of performance under its belt, and the results of our geopolitical predictions, market predictions, and alpha-capture fund performances have been exceptional. We believe the key to high returns and long-term success is based on:

  1. Prescient market views generated within a systematic multi-timeframe and price modelling system, which combines our geopolitical and market behavioural models.
  2. Our strategy of trading, which is to seek alignment with long-term trends and then to find short-term counter-trend entry points that translate into long-term time frames, producing tight-risk rewards on entry as well as high multiple-risk returns.
  3. Our tight-risk rewards on entry may mean that sometimes an entry point might require several attempts. A spreadsheet is available on request to explain all the trades that are displayed on the website and in the summary tables below.
  4. Good trade entry points with tight and structurally meaningful stops (entered with contrarian price modelling).
  5. Appropriate position sizing – to remind you of our methodology behind each trade recommendation; each real-time idea has a risk unit, defined from the entry point to the stop level, and a trade idea in one market can have a maximum of 400%, which equates to 40 risk units at any one time. Trade recommendations can be either 100% or 200%. The 400% limit in a market can be put on all at once or in combinations of sub-trades. High-conviction trades require the time frames of short, medium, and long to all be aligned. Notably, since Q2 2021, the conviction levels have been and continue to be very high due to the strong integrated signal strength associated with our price and geopolitical models.
  6. Ongoing trade management by following the progression of a trend by lowering stops where appropriate.
  7. Successful trade exit points that ideally replicate the dynamics of point 2 above by precisely picking the end of the trend.

These key points describe Global Trader's risk methodology. By reading the below quarterly performance appraisal, you will have a better idea of how we apply our risk allocation methodology, as well as how we combine geopolitical predictions using various models from Breaking The Code Of History. All of these real-time predictions have been published on the Global Forecaster website and are available to our clients.




keep down

Our main predictions for 2024 were outlined in 2024 – The Year To Stay Under Cover. One of our core investment themes was that 2024 would be:

The Year of Precious Metals
For those who subscribe to our Global Trader Product, we have been advocating the main financial survival strategy to be focused on Bitcoin and even more heavily weighted to precious metals and their associated mining stocks. We believe that this year, this strategy will prove to be the only game in town. Whilst bonds will fall significantly and will only accelerate lower with inflation and debt issuance, precious metals have held their value, completed a major correction, and are now only in the foothills of a powerful once-in-56-years rally to new highs and beyond.



Geop pic


As expected, the calm before the storm has been replaced by increasingly entropic war events that have now manifested in:

  • Ukraine as it pulled North Korea and China into an active alliance.
  • Iran's war with Israel over Gaza, in Lebanon, and in the Red Sea.

We view this not as an isolated event but one linked to the collapse of American hegemony. It is also to be viewed as part of an alarming global pattern of expected escalation into a fully kinetic and global WW3, one that ultimately involves China opening hostilities across the Asian basin in the scenario we call Red Lightning.

Thus, we seem to be at the confluence of geopolitical and market events of a significant magnitude, with an oil rally being the key market trigger. The specific areas that we highlighted for geopolitical risks in Q2 2024 were:

  1. The entropy of war will keep escalating. The hegemonic challenge of the Chinese-led Axis of Autocracy against America and its democratic allies has continued to build momentum, to the point where we assess that global war - AKA a fully blown WW3 - is now 95% inevitable. Put simply, the nations of democracy are losing their wars against the autocratic alliance, only encouraging accelerated aggression. This was correct and is unfolding.
  2. The Ukraine counter-offensive would see Putin increase pressure on Ukraine as US support dried up and the war escalated into an ever more direct confrontation with NATO. This was correct and is unfolding.
  3. Underlying inflation will keep moving higher; we expect wage and input inflation to continue to move higher as the habit of inflationary dynamics takes hold, driving bond prices (and equities as bonds accelerated) lower and the yield curves to steepen, an effect that will be supplemented as energy and commodities surge due to wartime resource constriction. Notably, we expect that commodity input inflation in the coming Wave 3 will start to feed back once more into top-line inflation (see Inflation Expectations Are Increasing As Predicted). We were encouraged in our prediction by Andrew Bailey who, at the lows of the oil price, boldly insisted that Inflation was about to fall 'markedly', even as he signalled the Bank of England would have to keep raising interest rates. The Governor said that tumbling energy prices and cheaper food would help to drive down inflation for the rest of this year. AB is our favourite inflation reverse indicator, and it is no coincidence that he called for lower inflation in 2024 - at the oil lows - just when we were predicting that commodity prices had completed their correction and would commence their next surge higher (!), at which point, in contrast, we correctly predicted that the next commodity surge into war had commenced with the energy/commodity sector, which had started one of its biggest rallies in 56 years, into an expected peak in 2030. This peak is all about resource constriction and escalating global conflict. This was correct and is unfolding.
  4. The Israeli war with Iran would escalate to a regional war, sending oil prices through the roof and catalysing Xi’s war, as outlined in The New Age of War; Chapter 2: Israel and the Middle EastDimensions of American Decline 10: Biden, Afghanistan, Ukraine and Now IsraelThe Iranian/Hamas Trap Is About To Spring Shut On Israel and America, and Iran’s War on Israel 11; Imminent Nuclear Breakout and the American Response
      1. Firstly, it has, via its proxy Hamas, managed to get Israel engaged in a battle for Gaza that will last for many more months, even after it has invaded the last Hamas bastion of Rafah. The great strategic success of this conflict so far has been the mobilisation of the international community's anti-Israel sentiment as personified by the ICC's indictment of Netanyahu and, even more importantly, the creation of a major fracture in the US-Israeli relationship.
      2. Secondly, Iran has, through its massive missile attack on Israel, created the space to make its nuclear breakout that would change the dynamics in the region forever.
      3. Thirdly, Iran's Houthi proxies have humbled American maritime hegemony by keeping the Red Sea closed. In so doing, they have provided a proving ground for China’s area-denial strategy, using much more sophisticated ASBMs and hypersonic missiles in mass waves to push America out of the second island chain.WW3; The Battle For The Red Sea Has Changed War At Sea Forever.
      4. We conclude that Full-Blown War in The Gulf Is Now Inevitable and that, as outlined in WW3; The World Is On The Brink, followed by Iran's War On Israel 9: Over The Brink, escalation of the war in the Middle East is now inevitably going to erupt into a full-blown war between Israel and Iran. Our prediction was that we will see an Israeli attack, to which Iran will respond with the next step of escalation that ultimately will see the close of the Gulf, sending oil through the roof, at which point the US will have to join in. However, based on the USN's failure to defeat the Houthis and to maintain the open sea lane, as outlined in Iran’s war on Israel 5; The Battle for the Sinai Sea Lanes, such an escalation bodes badly for a swift conclusion to any war. Hence, we expect that this regional war will be significant and last for many years. We predict that it will initially be a long-range war that will favour Israel with its comprehensive missile shield (even if the US and UK abandon Israel). In the meantime, we expect that the consequent commodity flow constriction consistent with the C-wave of the unfolding K-wave cycle into the 2030 peak will send oil to new highs, sky-rocketing global inflation levels.This was correct and is unfolding and putting upward pressure on oil prices and safe havens.
  5. The Chinese demand gap would force Xi’s hand into war. In March 2020, Xi shifted his economy from a manufacturing, export-driven nation into one that slowed its exports, collapsed its capitalist social camouflage, and stockpiled commodities on a massive scale, as described in Red Peril 20; China's Increased Polarisation, Aggression and Bifurcation. The result is a demand gap that has seen the Chinese economy slow down significantly, compounded by numerous CCP economic decisions that do not make sense in peacetime, unless they represent a wholesale economic plan to prepare for a wartime economy that can survive total bifurcation from the West. This includes the lowering of US Bond holdings. The rapid borrowing by local governments has fostered an illusion of prosperity. However, China’s development model has been to issue a tremendous amount of loans to non-performing projects, particularly the housing industry. Yet, now the housing market is collapsing, with dire consequences. The consequences are similar to that of the Nazi four-year plan instigated in March 1936, which meant that in preparing for war, the German economy would be bust by 1940, so had to use its military capability or implode. Xi is thus in the same position as Hitler was, where he either uses it or loses it. As we have regularly stated, dictators always warn what they are going to do, and liberal democracies always discount it as rhetoric, until they are attacked! In Xi's case, his intentions are very clear, as we outlined in Red Peril 13 – Read My Lips: I Am Preparing China To Go To War. One only has to look at the recent changes to Chinese law, the economic strategy, and of course the military expansion, complete with the development and deployment of ballistic carrier-killing missiles and hypersonic missiles that can be deployed in massive waves to overcome all defenses, without warning. To cement the picture, the massive expansion of Chinese ICBM missile silos to 400 plus is the last piece of the puzzle, designed to deter any American nuclear uses and close the avenue of Chinese military inferiority. We saw signs of escalation, with Chinese lethal aid and the new Russian-North Korean alliance.
  6. Accelerating inflation would bring about a US debt crisis that would collapse the stock market and the dollar, which is also in line with our call for the collapse of the Doomsday Bubble. Conditions for this financial implosion are now accelerating for all to see as interest rates rise and bond issuance increases to the point of being unsustainable. In this regard, any dent in the perception that the US hegemony is collapsing through failed military intervention or escalating global conflict will accelerate the cost of UK debt and accelerate this dangerous situation. In effect, America is now trapped in a declining empire's debt doom loop. This was correct and is unfolding.
  7. The banking crisis would see a third chapter led by Europe. When the bond market collapses as inflation surges, alongside wartime debt issuance, it is inevitable that this move will destroy the balance sheets of at least 50% of US banks (as they all hold 25% on long-dated bonds), making them bankrupt and an unprecedented banking crisis unavoidable. Stocks to watch are SocGen, DB, and Fifth Third Bancorp (see Watch out For The Next Leg Of The European  Banking Crisis and European Banks Ready For Next Lurch Lower). This is ongoing and will keep causing the yield curve to steepen even more severely. This has been the case, if not on slow burn, as bank stocks started to weaken just at the end of Q3. This was a quarter early.



Over the quarter, we successfully followed our game plan, based on our predictions that:

  1. The safe havens of Bitcoin, gold, and silver would rally strongly.
  2. Energy prices would increase significantly, with oil targeting the $130.00 highs and ultimately $200-$250.
  3. Commodities – food and base metals would also increase significantly, as explained in The Next Commodity Surge Has Commenced (blog post) and The Next Commodity Surge Into War Has Commenced (Arkent Scenario).
  4. Inflation would increase significantly due to increased input prices, feeding into an accelerating wage cycle. Based on the previous K-wave cycle peak in 1975, US CPI could considerably exceed 16%.
  5. Interest rates would keep rising and the cost of borrowing/mortgages will become exorbitant, absorbing household spending power, and reducing consumer spending. Based on the previous K-wave cycle peak in 1975, US Fed funds could exceed 22%.
  6. Bonds would fall and not act as safe havens, driven by higher inflation and the massive bond issuance associated with the unfolding arms race/wartime spending programs. The medium term (next three months) out to the end of 2023 continues to see a risk of a wave 2 rally of some 10 points before the fall commences that could ultimately lead to US debt default. The debt projections from the US Budget Office say it all! Indeed, it is interesting to note that our prediction back in 2007, as shown in the lower diagram, that US debt would skyrocket in this phase of US decline, was correct, as issuance now exceeds the WW2 peak. As oil rallied, we recognised that there would not be a wave 2 and that The Bond Correction Looks to be Over as Oil Builds Momentum Higher. Also, that yield curves would steepen dramatically.
  7. Equities would be the last to peak, supported by ever-accelerating money printing. We expect the Russell 2000 to stay weak, and NVIDIA’s high would signal that a reversal in the main indices was close at hand.



top 20

The top performing macro sector was silver over the Q2 2024 period, generating an excess of 257 trading units. However, bonds, which have been our top performers over the past five years, generated a second quarter of solid returns of 177 trade units. Gold platinum and EuroStoxx 509 all gave solid returns. Notably, our returns were positive across the main macro sectors, supporting our thesis for geopolitics and markets.




The worst performing market within the quarter was the SP500 with four short trades in a row, generating a 160-point loss. Other markets were un-remarkable.






US Equities remained in a bull market, hence they were not a productive sector except for the R2000. Meanwhile, European shorts generated good returns in the Eurostoxx 50, and neutral returns in Asia. 




The FX sector was very much in corrective mode, creating mixed sector results and low Alpha.




Considering the huge Alpha capture last quarter, our losses within the ongoing correction have been minuscule.





Bonds started their year on the highs in a super bullish model corresponding to being very long in the market. In contrast, we have been short ever since, generating excellent, consistent returns over both Q1 and Q2.




The EM markets saw good returns as our shorts started to bear fruit as EM currencies gave way. The Brazilian Real and Peso were great examples.






Commodities have been in corrective mode over the quarter, with some key exceptions:

  • Precious metals rallied strongly.
  • Copper has been very bullish.
  • Oil was struck on the range.
  • Nat gas has been moving higher.
  • Carbon emissions fell, in line with our shorts, to be very profitable.
  • The agriculture sector produced small negative returns as it completed its correction.




Funds Q2

This was a solid positive performance of 01.11% in a challenging quarter for our mining stocks as they failed to follow the underlying gold and silver prices higher. Note that our commodity fund was up 1.4% for the quarter.

Arkent Macro Q1 2024 Performance Review – The Rally of the Safe Havens

safe havens

The Crypto Complex, and especially Bitcoin, with its ever-increasing market value, provided the best alpha generation in Q1 2024, followed by the Crypto 10 Index. They rallied impulsively, as our market models predicted that they would. This particular Bitcoin trade captured a super tight low-risk entry point and then we ran the trend to near the highs, taking profits earlier than we should have done.


We recommend that subscribers to our Macro CIO's View take the time to read this analysis of our performance to enhance their understanding of how we consistently extract alpha from the markets, whilst minimising our downside risk on entry points, with extremely tight tactical stops, that are then actively managed as the trade moves in our favour.

  1. Executive summary; Global Forecaster and Global Trader
  2. Trade recommendation and risk methodology
  3. Our key 2024 year-ahead geopolitical calls
  4. Our main Q1 2024 geopolitical calls
  5. Q1 2024 market predictions and performance
  6. Alpha captures long-short fund performance.



Our Global Forecaster geopolitical and market calls have once more proven accurate during Q1 as they unfold slowly before our eyes. We predicted that:

  1. The second Russian offensive would see Putin apply increased pressure on Ukraine.
  2. Inflation would keep moving higher, driving Bond prices (and equities) lower.
  3. Both the war in Ukraine and Iran's war with Israel via Hamas, the Houthis and Hezbollah would escalate.
  4. Accelerating Inflation would push bonds lower in the early phase of a US debt crisis as spending increases, especially on defence.
  5. The banking crisis would see a third chapter as bond prices fell.

Global Trader covers six macro sectors, with some 80-plus markets, and has been producing exceptional alpha extraction since its inception in 2019. In summary, Q1 2024 could best be characterised by the rally of the safe havens: crypto and precious metals. Our capital preservation methodology has been a critical part of our risk performance, based on our ratchet risk-to-stop methodology (explained below).

  1. Our best performance has come from the broad sector across cryptocurrencies and precious metals as the safe havens rallied strongly.
  2. The worst performers were the Equity and FX sectors.




Global Forecaster was set up in the summer of 2019 to inform and advise professional asset managers through troubled waters. During that year, there were obvious indicators that global markets were soon to peak (in February 2020) and collapse, with the most grievous consequences. We have called this transition The Great Shift, as it is driven by the intersection of the peak of the K-wave cycle and the hegemonic challenge of China to America and the West.

We continually seek to quantify the accuracy of our trade recommendations as they translate into real-time market positions that are readily actionable by risk managers. We are pleased to report that the system we have used over the past three years (plus) has produced a very accurate representation of our market calls, in the direction, size and magnitude of the move. This has allowed risk-takers to quickly assess the accuracy of our past predictions in any market or sector, as well as benefit from our trade recommendations.

The structure of our trade recommendations allows our clients to apply them directly to their portfolios. Similarly, we go a stage further for some clients, by taking our trade recommendations and applying them to specific alpha-capture platforms with outstanding results. This service is available upon request.


We now have 17 quarters of performance under our belt, and the results of our geopolitical predictions, market predictions and alpha-capture fund performances have been exceptional. We believe the key to high returns and long-term success is based on:

  1. Prescient market views generated within a systematic multi-timeframe and price modelling system, which combines our geopolitical and market behavioural models.
  2. Our strategy of trading is to seek alignment with long-term trends and then to find short-term entry points that translate into long-term time frames. Producing tight risk rewards on entry as well as high multiple-risk returns.
  3. Our tight risk rewards on entry may mean that sometimes an entry point might require several attempts. A spreadsheet is available on request to explain all the trades that are displayed on the website and in the summary tables below.
  4. Good trade entry points with tight and structurally meaningful stops (entered with contrarian price modelling).
  5. Appropriate position sizing – to remind you of our methodology behind each trade recommendation; each real-time idea has a risk unit, defined from the entry point to the stop level, and a trade idea in one market can have a maximum of 400%, which equates to 40 risk units at any one time. Trade recommendations can be either 100% or 200%. The 400% limit in a market can be put on all at once or in combinations of sub-trades. High-conviction trades require the time frames of short, medium and long to all be aligned. Notably, since Q2 2021, the conviction levels have been and continue to be very high due to the strong integrated signal strength associated with our price and geopolitical models.
  6. Ongoing trade management by following the progression of a trend. by lowering stops  where appropriate
  7. Successful trade exit points that ideally replicate the dynamics of point 2 above, by precisely picking the end of the trend.

These key points describe Global Trader's risk methodology. By reading the below quarterly performance appraisal, you will have a better idea of how we apply our risk-allocation methodology, as well as how we combine geopolitical predictions using various models from Breaking The Code Of History. All of these real-time predictions have been published on the Global Forecaster website and are available to our clients.





Our main predictions for 2024 were outlined in 2024 – The Year To Stay Under Cover One of our core investment themes  was that 2024 would be;

The Year of Precious Metals
For those who subscribe to our Global Trader Product, we have been advocating the main financial survival strategy to be focused on Bitcoin and even more heavily weighted to precious metals and their associated mining stocks. We believe, this year, this strategy will prove to be the only game in town. Whilst bonds have fallen significantly and will only accelerate, precious metals have held their value, completed a major correction, and are now in only the foothills of a powerful once-in-56-years rally to new highs and beyond.




As expected, the calm before the storm has been replaced by increasingly entropic war events, that have now manifested in Israel over Gaza. However, we view this as not an isolated event but one linked to the collapse of American hegemony, and part of an alarming global pattern of expected escalation into WW3.

One that ultimately involves China opening hostilities across the Asian basin, in the scenario we call Red Lightning. Thus we seem to be at the confluence of geopolitical and market events of a very significant magnitude, with an oil rally being the key market trigger. The specific areas that we highlighted for geopolitical risks in Q1 2024 were;

  1. The Ukraine counter-offensive would see Putin increase pressure on Ukraine as US support dried up and the war escalated into an ever more direct confrontation with NATO. This was correct and is unfolding.
  2. Inflation will keep moving higher, driving bond prices (and equities as Bonds accelerated) lower and the yield curves to steepen as energy and commodities surge due to wartime resource constriction. In addition, we expect wage and input inflation to continue to move higher. Notably, we expect that commodity input inflation in the coming wave 3 will start to once more feedback into top-line inflation. See Inflation Expectations Are Increasing As Predicted. We were encouraged in our prediction by Andrew Bailey. Who at the lows of the oil price boldly insisted that Inflation was about to fall 'markedly', even as he signalled the Bank of England would have to keep raising interest rates. The Governor said that tumbling energy prices and cheaper food would help to drive down inflation for the rest of this year. AB is our favourite inflation reverse indicator, and it is no coincidence that he called for lower inflation in 2024 = at the oil lows. Just when we were predicting that commodity prices had completed their correction and would commence their next surge higher!!! At which point, in contrast, we correctly predicted the next commodity surge into war had commenced with the energy/commodity sector, which had started one of its biggest rallies in 56 years, into an expected peak in 2030. A peak that is all about resource constriction and escalating global conflict. This was correct and is unfolding as shown in the plot below.
    core inflation
  3. The Israeli war with Hamas would escalate to a regional war with Iran, sending oil prices through the roof and catalysing Xi’s war. As outlined in The New Age of War; Chapter 2: Israel and the Middle East and Dimensions of American Decline 10: Biden, Afghanistan, Ukraine and Now Israel and The Iranian/Hamas Trap Is About To Spring Shut On Israel and AmericaThis was correct and is unfolding and putting pressure on oil prices.
  4. The Chinese demand gap would force Xi’s hand into war. In March 2020, Xi shifted his economy from a manufacturing export-driven nation into one that slowed its exports, collapsed its capitalist social camouflage, and stockpiled commodities on a massive scale as described in Red Peril 20; China's Increased Polarisation, Aggression and Bifurcation. The result is a demand gap that has seen the Chinese economy slow down significantly, compounded by numerous CCP economic decisions that do not make sense in peacetime – unless they represent a wholesale economic plan to prepare for a wartime economy that can survive total bifurcation from the West. This includes the lowering of US Bond holdings. The rapid borrowing by local governments has fostered an illusion of prosperity. However, China’s development model has been to issue a tremendous amount of loans to non-performing projects, particularly the housing industry, but now the housing market is collapsing, with dire consequences. The consequence is similar to that of the Nazi four-year plan instigated in March 1936, which meant that in preparing for war, the German economy would be bust by 1940, so had to use its military capability or implode. Xi is thus in the same position as Hitler was, where he either uses it or loses it. As we have regularly stated, dictators always warn what they are going to do, and liberal democracies always discount it as rhetoric, until they are attacked! In Xi's case his intentions are very clear, as we outlined in Red Peril 13 – Read My Lips: I Am Preparing China To Go To War. One only has to look at the recent changes to Chinese law, the economic strategy, and of course the military expansion, complete with the development and deployment of ballistic carrier-killing missiles and hypersonic missiles that can be deployed in massive waves to overcome all defenses, without warning. To cement the picture, the massive expansion of Chinese ICBM missile silos to 400 plus, is the last piece of the puzzle, designed to deter any American nuclear uses and close the avenue of Chinese military inferiority. This was a quarter early.
  5. Accelerating inflation would bring about a US debt crisis that would collapse the stock market and dollar. Which is also in line with our call for the collapse of the Doomsday Bubble. Conditions for this financial implosion are now accelerating for all to see as interest rates rise and bond issuance increases to the point of being unsustainable. In this regard, any dent in the perception that the US hegemony is collapsing, through failed military intervention, or escalating global conflict, will accelerate the cost of UK debt and accelerate this dangerous situation. In effect, America is now trapped in a declining empire's debt doom loop. This was correct and is unfolding.
  6. The banking crisis would see a third chapter. With the bond market collapse inevitable as inflation surges, alongside wartime debt issuance it is inevitable that this move will destroy the balance sheets of at least 50% of US banks (as they all hold 25% on long-dated bonds)  making them bankrupt an unprecedented banking crisis is unavoidable. Stocks to watch are SocGen, DB, and Fifth Third Bancorp. Watch out For The Next Leg Of The European  Banking Crisis and European Banks Ready For Next Lurch Lower. This is ongoing and will keep causing the yield curve to steepen even more severely. This has been the case, if not on slow burn as bank stocks started to weaken just at the end of Q3. This was a quarter early.

In summary, we saw a clear market response to a significant escalation in Iran’s war on Israel 5; The Battle for the Sinai Sea Lanes in the rally of the safe havens.



Over the quarter we followed our game plan, based on our predictions that:

  1. That the safe havens of Bitcoin and gold and silver would rally strongly.
  2. Energy prices would increase significantly, with oil targeting the $130.00 highs and ultimately $200-$250.
  3. Commodities – food and base metals would also increase significantly, as explained in The Next Commodity Surge Has Commenced (blog post) and The Next Commodity Surge Into War Has Commenced (Arkent Scenario).
  4. Inflation would increase significantly due to increased input prices, feeding into an accelerating wage cycle. Based on the previous K-wave cycle peak in 1975, US CPI could considerably exceed 16%.
  5. Interest rates would keep rising and the cost of borrowing/mortgages will become exorbitant, absorbing household spending power, and reducing consumer spending. Based on the previous K-wave cycle peak in 1975, US Fed funds could exceed 22%.
  6. Bonds would fall and not act as safe havens, driven by higher inflation and the massive bond issuance associated with the unfolding arms race/ wartime spending programs. The medium term (next three months) out to the end of 2023 continues to see a risk of a wave 2 rally of some 10 points before the fall commences that could ultimately lead to US debt default. The debt projections from the US Budget Office say it all! Indeed, it is interesting to note that our prediction back in 2007, as shown in the lower diagram, that US debt would skyrocket in this phase of US decline, was correct, as issuance now exceeds the WW2 peak. As oil rallied we recognised that there would not be a wave 2 and that The Bond Correction Looks to be Over as Oil Builds Momentum Higher and that yield curves would steepen dramatically.
  7. Equities would be the last to peak, supported by ever-accelerating money printing. But as bonds accelerate lower, they will take equities with them, especially the Russell 2000.



top 20

The top-performing macro sector was Crypto, and especially Bitcoin with an excess of 729 trading units, followed by Bunds (378 units) and Gold (310 units), with very solid performances in the commodities sectors including oil, copper and uranium. Making Q1 2024 an excellent quarter's perfomance.



bottom 10

The worst-performing markets were Gilts (in contrast to Bunds), which continue to prove challenging to extract alpha from, the Eurodollar as the dollar corrected higher, and of course the NASDAQ as part of the equity complex that kept rising.




4.3.1 Equity Markets – Looking For the Trend Reversal


Equities were in a bull market and hence not a productive sector (with moderate losses for well placed short positions) for our bear view. With some exceptions like the Vix and HK 50. We are still looking for a major reversal.


4.3.2 FX Markets – The in Corrective Mode


The FX sector was very much in corrective mode, creating moderate losses to our short dollar positions. Notably, our NZD short did very well, even as stock market indexes continued to rally.


 4.3.3 Crypto Markets Rallied


We had excellent results in this sector, especially with Bitcoin with two trades with tight entry points and trends higher, which allowed us to capture multiple returns on each trade.


4.3.4 Bond Markets – The Fall Commences


Bonds started their year on the highs with the market bullish and long and we have been short ever since that point, correctly avoiding the first wave-two price correction and then resetting our shorts.


4.3.5 EM Markets – Zero Movement


The EM markets saw a very quiet quarter with zero notable alpha-generating opportunities.


3.3.6 Commodity Markets – Oil Leads The Way Higher


The energy sector with uranium and oil created solid returns. As did our core investment in precious metals and copper.


Notably, our Carbon Emissions short did very well indeed, as that market sector imploded and the net-zero economy is slowly being replaced by wartime imperative.


Gold and  Silver rallied in a zero-movement dollar environment, implying that they are ahead of an escalation cycle of some kind.


The agriculture sector produced small negative returns and has not yet caught up with oil.




Alpha capture

This was an incremental negative performance of 01.11% in a challenging quarter for our mining stocks, as they failed to follow the underlying gold and silver prices higher. Note our commodity fund was up 1.4% for the quarter.

Arkent Macro Q4 2023 Performance Review – A Dampened Response To Escalation


The Crypto Complex provided the best alpha generation in Q4, specifically Bitcoin and the Crypto 10 Index, as they rallied impulsively as part of our expected ultimate move to new highs. This particular trade captured a great tight low-risk entry point and then rand the trend to near the highs with a 17x return-to-risk profile.


We recommend that subscribers to our Macro CIO's View take the time to read this analysis of our performance to enhance their understanding of how we consistently extract alpha from the markets, whilst minimising our downside risk on entry with extremely tight tactical stops, that are then actively managed as the trade moves in our favour.

  1. Executive summary; Global Forecaster and Global Trader
  2. Trade recommendation and risk methodology
  3. Our key 2023 year-ahead geopolitical calls
  4. Our main Q4 2023 geopolitical calls
  5. Q4 2023 market predictions and performance
  6. Alpha captures long-short fund performance.



Our Global Forecaster geopolitical and market calls have once more proven accurate during Q3;

  1. The Ukraine counter-offensive would see Putin under increased pressure
  2. Inflation would keep moving higher, driving Bond prices (and equities) lower 
  3. The Israeli War with Hamas will escalate 
  4. Accelerating Inflation would bring a US debt Crisis ever closer
  5. The Banking Crisis would see a third chapter

Global Trader covers seven macro sectors, with some 80-plus markets, and has been producing some exceptional alpha extraction since its inception in 2019.In summary, Q4 2023 could best be characterised as another period of low volatility consolidation and correction. Our capital preservation methodology has been a critical part of our risk performance, based on our ratchet risk-to-stop methodology (explained below).

  1. Our best performance has come from the broad sector across cryptocurrencies the dollar and precious metals
  2. The Worst performers were the Equity and bond sectors




Global Forecaster was set up in the summer of 2019 to inform and advise professional asset managers through troubled waters. During that year, there were obvious indicators that global markets were soon to peak (in February 2020) and collapse, with the most grievous consequences. We have called this transition The Great Shift, as it is driven by the intersection of the peak of the K-wave cycle and the hegemonic challenge of China to America and the West.

We continually seek to quantify the accuracy of our trade recommendations as they translate into real-time market positions that are readily actionable by risk managers. We are pleased to report that the system we have used over the past three years (plus) has produced a very accurate representation of our market calls, in the direction, size and magnitude of the move. This has allowed risk-takers to quickly assess the accuracy of our past predictions in any market or sector, as well as benefit from our trade recommendations.

The structure of our trade recommendations allows our clients to apply them directly to their portfolios. Similarly, we go a stage further for some clients, by taking our trade recommendations and applying them to specific alpha-capture platforms with outstanding results. This service is available upon request.


We now have 16 quarters of performance under our belt, and the results of our geopolitical predictions, market predictions and alpha-capture fund performances have been exceptional. We believe the key to high returns and long-term success is based on:

  1. Prescient market views generated within a systematic multi-timeframe and price modelling system, which combines our geopolitical and market behavioural models.
  2. Our strategy of trading is to seek alignment with long-term trends and then to find short-term entry points that translate into long-term time frames. Producing tight risk rewards on entry as well as high multiple-risk returns.
  3. Our tight risk rewards on entry may mean that sometimes an entry point might require several attempts. A spreadsheet is available on request to explain all the trades that are displayed on the website and in the summary tables below.
  4. Good trade entry points with tight and structurally meaningful stops (entered with contrarian price modelling).
  5. Appropriate position sizing – to remind you of our methodology behind each trade recommendation; each real-time idea has a risk unit, defined from the entry point to the stop level, and a trade idea in one market can have a maximum of 200%, which equates to 20 risk units at any one time. Trade recommendations can be either 33.3%, 66.6%, 100%, 133%, 166% or 200%. The 200% limit in a market can be put on all at once or in combinations of sub-trades. High-conviction trades require the time frames of short, medium and long to all be aligned. Notably, since Q2 2021, the conviction levels have been and continue to be very high due to the strong integrated signal strength associated with our price and geopolitical models.
  6. Ongoing trade management by following the progression of a trend. by lowering stops  where appropriate
  7. Successful trade exit points that ideally replicate the dynamics of point 2 above, by precisely picking the end of the trend.

These key points describe Global Trader's risk methodology. By reading the below quarterly performance appraisal, you will have a better idea of how we apply our risk-allocation methodology, as well as how we combine geopolitical predictions using various models from Breaking The Code Of History. All of these real-time predictions have been published on the Global Forecaster website and are available to our clients.




Our main predictions for 2023 were outlined in a series of posts published in early January called The Year To Take Cover (as below). They have all been quietly building momentum, much like the forces of plate tectonics before releasing their energy in an earthquake. In May we described the period of Q1/Q2 as that of the Phoney Calm, as the geopolitical pressure builds like plate tectonics before releasing even as volatility fell in the markets.

Part 1 - Hegemonic Challenge Continues to Increase Global Entropy
Part 2 - Why We Named 2023 The Year to Take Cover
Part 3 - WW3; The Challenge to America's Hegemony and the Bifurcation of the World
Part 4 - Inflation Will Keep Rising
Part 5 - The Collapse of the Doomsday Bubble
Part 6 - Global Political Changes



As expected, the calm before the storm has been replaced by increasingly entropic war events, that have now manifested in Israel with Hamas' barbaric act of war. However, this is not an isolated event but one linked to the collapse of American hegemony, part of a global pattern of expected escalation into WW3.

One that ultimately involves China opening hostilities across the Asian basin, in the scenario we call Red Lightning. Thus we seem to be at the confluence of geopolitical and market events of a very significant magnitude, with an oil rally being the key market trigger. The specific areas that we highlighted for geopolitical risks in Q4 2023 are;

  1. The Ukraine counter-offensive would see Putin under increased pressure. Both through the potential threat of the re-capture of Bakhmut and the renewal of the counteroffensive on the southern front once more/new NATO equipment arrives including F16s. This was a quarter early.
  2. Inflation will keep moving higher, driving bond prices (and equities) lower and the yield curves to steepen as energy and commodities surge due to wartime resource constriction. In addition, we expect wage and input inflation to continue to move higher. Notably, we expect that commodity input inflation in the coming wave 3 will start to once more feedback into top-line inflation. See Inflation Expectations Are Increasing As Predicted. We were encouraged in our prediction by Andrew Bailey. Who at the lows of the oil price boldly insisted that Inflation was about to fall 'markedly', even as he signalled the Bank of England would have to keep raising interest rates. The Governor said that tumbling energy prices and cheaper food would help to drive down inflation for the rest of this year. AB is our favourite inflation reverse indicator, and it is no coincidence that he called for lower inflation this year at the oil lows. Just when we were predicting that commodity prices had completed their correction and would commence their next surge higher!!! At which point, in contrast, we correctly predicted the next commodity surge into war had commenced with the energy/commodity sector, which had started one of its biggest rallies in 56 years, into an expected peak in 2025-27. A peak that is all about resource constriction and escalating global conflict. This was a quarter early.
  3. The Israeli war with Hamas would escalate to a regional war with Iran, sending oil prices through the roof and catalysing Xi’s war. As outlined in The New Age of War; Chapter 2: Israel and the Middle East and Dimensions of American Decline 10: Biden, Afghanistan, Ukraine and Now Israel and The Iranian/Hamas Trap Is About To Spring Shut On Israel and America. This was spot on in the real world but did not translate into market moves, as we expected, as the Biden administration did all it could to dampen the hard reality of a full-on regional war with Iran. A situation that could not last for long!
  4. The Chinese demand gap would force Xi’s hand into war. In March 2020, Xi shifted his economy from a manufacturing export-driven nation into one that slowed its exports, collapsed its capitalist social camouflage, and stockpiled commodities on a massive scale as described in Red Peril 20; China's Increased Polarisation, Aggression and Bifurcation. The result is a demand gap that has seen the Chinese economy slow down significantly, compounded by numerous CCP economic decisions that do not make sense in peacetime – unless they represent a wholesale economic plan to prepare for a wartime economy that can survive total bifurcation from the West. This includes the lowering of US Bond holdings. The rapid borrowing by local governments has fostered an illusion of prosperity. However, China’s development model has been to issue a tremendous amount of loans to non-performing projects, particularly the housing industry, but now the housing market is collapsing, with dire consequences. The consequence is similar to that of the Nazi four-year plan instigated in March 1936, which meant that in preparing for war, the German economy would be bust by 1940, so had to use its military capability or implode. Xi is thus in the same position as Hitler was, where he either uses it or loses it. As we have regularly stated, dictators always warn what they are going to do, and liberal democracies always discount it as rhetoric, until they are attacked! In Xi's case his intentions are very clear, as we outlined in Red Peril 13 – Read My Lips: I Am Preparing China To Go To War. One only has to look at the recent changes to Chinese law, the economic strategy, and of course the military expansion, complete with the development and deployment of ballistic carrier-killing missiles and hypersonic missiles that can be deployed in massive waves to overcome all defenses, without warning. To cement the picture, the massive expansion of Chinese ICBM missile silos is the last piece of the puzzle, designed to deter any American nuclear uses and close the avenue of Chinese military inferiority. This was a quarter early.
  5. Accelerating inflation would bring about a US debt crisis that would collapse the stock market and dollar. Which is also in line with our call for the collapse of the Doomsday Bubble. Conditions for this financial implosion are now accelerating for all to see as interest rates rise and bond issuance increases to the point of being unsustainable. In this regard, any dent in the perception that the US hegemony is collapsing, through failed military intervention, or escalating global conflict, will accelerate the cost of UK debt and accelerate this dangerous situation. In effect, America is now trapped in a declining empire's debt doom loop. This was a quarter early.
  6. The banking crisis would see a third chapter. With the bond market collapse inevitable as inflation surges, alongside wartime debt issuance it is inevitable that this move will destroy the balance sheets of at least 50% of US banks (as they all hold 25% on long-dated bonds)  making them bankrupt an unprecedented banking crisis is unavoidable. Stocks to watch are SocGen, DB, and Fifth Third Bancorp. Watch out For The Next Leg Of The European  Banking Crisis and European Banks Ready For Next Lurch Lower. This is ongoing and will keep causing the yield curve to steepen even more severely. This has been the case, if not on slow burn as bank stocks started to weaken just at the end of Q3. This was a quarter early.

In summary, we saw a dampened market response to a significant escalation in Iran’s war on Israel 5; The Battle for the Sinai Sea Lanes that did not translate into markets in Q4 2023, but which we expect will do so in Q1 2024.



Over the quarter we followed our game plan;

  1. Energy prices would increase significantly, with oil targeting the $130.00 highs and ultimately $200-$250.
  2. Commodities – food and base metals would also increase significantly, as explained in The Next Commodity Surge Has Commenced (blog post) and The Next Commodity Surge Into War Has Commenced (Arkent Scenario).
  3. Inflation would increase significantly due to increased input prices, feeding into an accelerating wage cycle. Based on the previous K-wave cycle peak in 1975, US CPI could considerably exceed 16%.
  4. Interest rates will keep rising and the cost of borrowing/mortgages will become exorbitant, absorbing household spending power, and reducing consumer spending. Based on the previous K-wave cycle peak in 1975, US Fed funds could exceed 22%.
  5. Bonds would fall and not act as safe havens, driven by higher inflation and the massive bond issuance associated with the unfolding arms race/ wartime spending programs. The medium term (next three months) out to the end of 2023 continues to see a risk of a wave 2 rally of some 10 points before the fall commences that could ultimately lead to US debt default. The debt projections from the US Budget Office say it all! Indeed, it is interesting to note that our prediction back in 2007, as shown in the lower diagram, that US debt would skyrocket in this phase of US decline, was correct, as issuance now exceeds the WW2 peak. As oil rallied we recognised that there would not be a wave 2 and that The Bond Correction Looks to be Over as Oil Builds Momentum Higher and that yield curves would steepen dramatically.



top 2

The top performing macro sector was Crypto, with an excess of 662 trading units, with very solid performances in precious metals and the Dollar's fall.



10 lowest

The worst-performing sectors were equities and bonds, which both gave back running profits from Q3 trades. Individually Gilts had another tough quarter and oil for the first time gave back running profits. Meanwhile, the new products of US 30s and US 2s had a tough start, as did nickel, which looks to have been based but at a much lower level than we expected. Notably, wheat started a rally out of the table!




4.3.1 Equity Markets – The Next Bear Decline Unfolds


Equities were our best market sector in Q3 but among the worst in Q4 as equity markets rallied. Except the weakest US index in the form of the Russell 2000, and the China A50, which continue to provide positive returns.

R 2000

The FX sector was highly productive with a widespread capture of Dollar weakness, with Dollar Swiss being the best performer, generating 353 trade units.




 4.3.3 Crypto Markets Coiling For A Rally


We had excellent results in the Crypto 10 index, with a tight entry point with the Bitcoin trade, as shown below. 


4.3.4 Bond Markets – The Next Phase of The Fall Commences

We spent most of the quarter being short and watching our profits from Q3 erode in a bounce that we discussed the potential of in Bonds Over Extended Or Accelerating Lower. The balance of judgment was that we expected the escalation in the battle of the Sinai Sea Ways to push up oil and inflation. But instead, the news from the Gulf's slow Houthi escalation was not enough to reverse the bond rally.


4.3.5 EM Markets – Zero Movement


The EM markets saw a very quiet quarter with zero notable alpha-generating opportunities.


3.3.6 Commodity Markets – Oil Leads The Way Higher


The Energy sub-sector fell back to the lows, eroding our Q3 profits.

However, Silver and Gold fell as the dollar rallied, lifting our Gold and Silver longs. Notably Gold outperformed Silver.



The agriculture sector produced mixed returns, with wheat being the best performer.



5.0 Alpha Capture and Fund Performance


This was an incremental positive performance of 0.5% in a challenging quarter, when by the end of October we were up 6% but then gave back the profits. Note our commodity fund was up 1.4%.

Arkent Macro Q3 2023 Performance Review – Patience and Execution Discipline Pays Off


The equity indices provided the best alpha in Q3. After a period of large-degree correction in the equity markets in Q1/Q2, we caught the high of the wave 2 correction and ensured that we were short with very tight stops from that high. Running the positions as the market fell in a coiling sawtooth decline, which suggests that October will see significant declines. Our best performers were the Eurostoxx 50 and SP 500.


We recommend that subscribers to our Macro CIO's View take the time to read this analysis of our performance to enhance their understanding of how we consistently extract alpha from the markets, whilst minimising our downside risk on entry with extremely tight tactical stops, that are then actively managed as the trade moves in our favour.

  1. Executive summary; Global Forecaster and Global Trader
  2. Trade recommendation and risk methodology
  3. Our key 2023 year-ahead geopolitical calls
  4. Our main Q3 2023 geopolitical calls
  5. Q3 2023 market predictions and performance
  6. Alpha capture long-short fund performance.



Our Global Forecaster geopolitical and market calls have once more proven accurate during Q3;

  1. The dynamics of the inflationary surge, whose correction ended with that of oil's correction.
  2. The course of the battle for Ukraine.
  3. The accelerating risk of bifurcation and war with China.
  4.  The continued exposure of the banking sector and risk of further collapses.

Global Trader covers seven macro sectors, with some 80-plus markets, and has been producing some exceptional alpha extraction since its inception in 2019.

In summary, Q3 2023 could best be characterised as a period of consolidation and correction that in the later part of the quarter gave way to movement and alpha generation. Our capital preservation methodology has been a critical part of our risk performance, based on our ratchet risk-to-stop methodology (explained below).

  • Our best performance has come from the broad sector across equity indices, bonds and energy commodities, and to a lesser extent for some cryptocurrencies.
  • Our precious metals trade in gold has had a rare negative return this quarter.
  • FX as the dollar rallied in a correction caused broad losses.
  • EM has continued to provide incremental returns for our Rand short against Sterling and the Dollar.





Global Forecaster was set up in the summer of 2019 to inform and advise professional asset managers through troubled waters. During that year, there were obvious indicators that global markets were soon to peak (in February 2020) and collapse, with the most grievous consequences. We have called this transition The Great Shift, as it is driven by the intersection of the peak of the K-wave cycle and the hegemonic challenge of China to America and the West.

We continually seek to quantify the accuracy of our trade recommendations as they translate into real-time market positions that are readily actionable by risk managers. We are pleased to report that the system we have used over the past three years (plus) has produced a very accurate representation of our market calls, in the direction, size and magnitude of the move. This has allowed risk-takers to quickly assess the accuracy of our past predictions in any market or sector, as well as benefit from our trade recommendations.

The structure of our trade recommendations allows our clients to apply them directly to their portfolios. Similarly, we go a stage further for some clients, by taking our trade recommendations and applying them to specific alpha-capture platforms with outstanding results. This service is available upon request.



We now have 16 quarters of performance under our belt, and the results of our geopolitical predictions, market predictions and alpha-capture fund performances have been exceptional. We believe the key to high returns and long-term success is based on:

  1. Prescient market views generated within a systematic multi-timeframe and price modelling system, which combines our geopolitical and market behavioural models.
  2. Our strategy of trading is to seek alignment with long-term trends and then to find short-term entry points that translate into long-term time frames. Producing tight risk rewards on entry as well as high multiple-risk returns.
  3. Our tight risk rewards on entry may mean that sometimes an entry point might require several attempts. A spreadsheet is available on request to explain all the trades that are displayed on the website and in the summary tables below.
  4. Good trade entry points with tight and structurally meaningful stops (entered with contrarian price modelling).
  5. Appropriate position sizing – to remind you of our methodology behind each trade recommendation; each real-time idea has a risk unit, defined from the entry point to the stop level, and a trade idea in one market can have a maximum of 200%, which equates to 20 risk units at any one time. Trade recommendations can be either 33.3%, 66.6%, 100%, 133%, 166% or 200%. The 200% limit in a market can be put on all at once or in combinations of sub-trades. High-conviction trades require the time frames of short, medium and long to all be aligned. Notably, since Q2 2021, the conviction levels have been and continue to be very high due to the strong integrated signal strength associated with our price and geopolitical models.
  6. Ongoing trade management by following the progression of a trend. by lowering stops  where appropriate
  7. Successful trade exit points that ideally replicate the dynamics of point 2 above, by precisely picking the end of the trend.

These key points describe Global Trader's risk methodology. By reading the below quarterly performance appraisal, you will have a better idea of how we apply our risk-allocation methodology, as well as how we combine geopolitical predictions using various models from Breaking The Code Of History. All of these real-time predictions have been published on the Global Forecaster website and are available to our clients.






Our main predictions for 2023 were outlined in a series of posts published in early January called The Year To Take Cover (as below). They have all been quietly building momentum, much like the forces of plate tectonics before releasing their energy in an earthquake. In May we described the period of Q1/Q2 as that of the Phoney Calm, as the geopolitical pressure builds like plate tectonics before releasing even as volatility fell in the markets.

Part 1 - Hegemonic Challenge Continues to Increase Global Entropy
Part 2 - Why We Named 2023 The Year to Take Cover
Part 3 - WW3; The Challenge to America's Hegemony and the Bifurcation of the World
Part 4 - Inflation Will Keep Rising
Part 5 - The Collapse of the Doomsday Bubble
Part 6 - Global Political Changes



We argued that during Q3 we would see  the calm before the storm, be replaced by significant market movement as the confluence of geopolitical and market events accelerated into events of a very significant magnitude with an oil rally being the key market trigger The specific areas that we highlighted for the Q3 2023 were;

  1. The Ukraine counter-offensive will see Putin under increased pressure. Both through the potential threat of the re-capture of Bakhmut and the renewal of the counteroffensive on the southern front once more SAMs and cluster bombs arrive, along with the NATO-lite security guarantee to Ukraine, with the promise of NATO membership once Russia has been expelled. Putin’s response will be to increase his nuclear and subsea threats, and there is always the continued threat that China will cross the dual-use aid red line. This has been the case, if only a slow burn.
  2. Inflation will keep moving higher, and the US correction due to the fall of commodity prices in the wave 2 is now over. Indeed we expect wage and input inflation to continue to move higher. Notably, we expect that commodity input inflation in the coming wave 3 will start to once more feed back into top-line inflation. See Inflation Expectations Are Increasing As Predicted. We were encouraged in our prediction by Andrew Baily insisting Inflation is about to fall 'markedly', even as he signalled the Bank of England would have to keep raising interest rates. The Governor said that tumbling energy prices and cheaper food would help to drive down inflation for the rest of this year. AB is our favourite inflation reverse indicator, and it is no coincidence that as he calls for lower inflation this year we are predicting commodity prices are about to commence their next surge higher!!! This has been the case.
  3. That the next commodity surge into war has commenced (15/07/2023) with the commodity sector now at the start of one of its biggest rallies in 56 years, with an expected peak in 2025-27, as recently explained in Arkent Scenario July – Increased Volatility Ahead: Commodities, after the completion of their wave 2 over the past 14 months, are now moving off their lows, in what we expect to be the commencement of the wave 3. Notably Copper/Nickel/Wheat/Natural Gas have been leading the way, but others in the complex now seem to be following, such as WTI. We note that China is constricting two rare earth metals, consistent with the beginning of wave 3, which is all about resource constriction and escalating conflict. This has been the case with respect to the oil rally moving from $65 to $95
  4. The Chinese Demand Gap will Force Xi’s Hand. In March 2020, Xi shifted his economy from a manufacturing export-driven nation into one that slowed its exports, collapsed its capitalist social camouflage, and stockpiled commodities on a massive scale as described in Red Peril 20; China's Increased Polarisation, Aggression and Bifurcation. The result being a demand gap that has seen the Chinese economy slow down significantly, compounded by numerous CCP economic decisions that do not make sense in peacetime – unless they represent a wholesale economic plan to prepare for a wartime economy that can survive total bifurcation from the West. This includes the lowering of US Bond holdings. The rapid borrowing by local governments has fostered an illusion of prosperity. However, China’s development model has been to issue a tremendous amount of loans to non-performing projects, particularly the housing industry, but now the housing market is collapsing, with dire consequences. The consequence is similar to that of the Nazi four-year plan instigated in March 1936, which meant that in preparing for war, the German economy would be bust by 1940, so had to use its military capability or implode. Xi is thus in the same position as Hitler was, where he either uses it or loses it. As we have regularly stated, dictators always warn what they are going to do, and liberal democracies always discount it as rhetoric, until they are attacked! In Xi's case his intentions are very clear, as we outlined in Red Peril 13 – Read My Lips: I Am Preparing China To Go To War. One only has to look at the recent changes to Chinese law, the economic strategy, and of course the military expansion, complete with the development and deployment of ballistic carrier-killing missiles and hypersonic missiles that can be deployed in massive waves to overcome all defences, without warning. To cement the picture, the massive expansion of Chinese ICBM missile silos is the last piece of the puzzle, designed to deter any American nuclear uses and close the avenue of Chinese military inferiority. This scenario continues to unfold.
  5. The Banking Crisis will see a third chapter. Stocks to watch are Soc GEN, DB and Fifth Third Bancorp. Watch out For The Next Leg Of The European  Banking Crisis and European Banks Ready For Next Lurch Lower. This is ongoing and will keep causing the yield curve to steepen even more severely This has been the case if not on slow burn as bank stocks started to weaken just at the end of Q3.



Over the quarter we followed our game plan set out in July – Increased Volatility Ahead and August – August – When Will the Phony Calm End?

  1. Energy prices will increase significantly, with oil targeting the $130.00 highs and ultimately $200-$250.
  2. Commodities – food and base metals will also increase significantly, as explained in The Next Commodity Surge Has Commenced (blog post) and The Next Commodity Surge Into War Has Commenced (Arkent Scenario).
  3. Inflation will increase significantly due to increased input prices, feeding into an accelerating wage cycle. Based on the previous K-wave cycle peak in 1975, US CPI could considerably exceed 16%.
  4. Interest rates will keep rising and the cost of borrowing/mortgages will become exorbitant, absorbing household spending power, and reducing consumer spending. Based on the previous K-wave cycle peak in 1975, US Fed funds could exceed 22%.
  5. Specifically Bonds will fall and not act as safe havens, but rather will fall, driven by higher inflation and the massive bond issuance associated with the unfolding arms race/ wartime spending programs. The medium term (next three months) out to the end of 2023 continues to see a risk of a wave 2 rally of some 10 points, before the fall commences that could ultimately lead to US debt default. The debt projections from the US Budget Office say it all! Indeed, it is interesting to note that our prediction back in 2007, as shown in the lower diagram, that US debt would skyrocket in this phase of US decline, was correct, as issuance now exceeds the WW2 peak. As oil rallied we recognised that there would not be a wave 2 and that The Bond Correction Looks to be Over as Oil Builds Momentum Higher and that yield curves would steepen dramatically.



top 20

The top performing markets sector was Equities and commodities, with solid performances in individual markets of BTPs and the crypto 10 index.



10 worst

Our worst 10 performing markets have shown some consistent problem areas such as the Eurodollar, Nickel, Wheat, Dollar Krone and UK Gilts. We will be looking to modify our approach in these sectors to improve performance. Especially in Nickel, Gilts, Euro Dollar and Dollar Krone




4.3.1 Equity Markets – The Next Bear Decline Unfolds


This was our best market sector in Q3, with broad positive returns across the whole sector, as we managed to put our most recent short positions on with tight stops close to the July Peak of the wave 2 corrections. The Eurostoxx 50 and SP500 indexes were the best performers. The weakest index has been and continues to be the R2000, which is now poised to lead the US Equity complex in dramatic decline.



4.3.2 FX Markets: A Nasty Correction


We maintained a dollar bearish stance all quarter, and suffered from the correction over the second part of the quarter that completed the wave 2 at the start of October. The dollar index shows an irregular correction that is complete so that Q4 should be very negative for the Dollar.


 4.3.3 Crypto Markets Coiling For A Rally


We had excellent results in the Crypto 10 index with a tight entry point trade as shown below. Whilst the others have been in a long and hold mode.





4.3.4 Bond Markets – The Next Phase of The Fall Commences


We spent the first half of the quarter trading from the long side looking for a C wave pop higher. Using great entry points to go long, most of which then went 3x to 5x in the money before reversing lower. We broke even on that half of the month. Then with the poor price action accelerated as oil rallied, we changed our view that the next fall had commenced and ran short positions with BTPS being the standout alpha generator.


4.3.5 EM Markets – Zero Movement


The EM markets saw a very quiet quarter with zero notable alpha-generating opportunities.


3.3.6 Commodity Markets – Oil Leads The Way Higher


The Energy sub-sector rallied as we predicted with oil and uranium being stand-out returns. Starting the quarter on their lows and ending on their highs.


However, Silver and Gold fell as the dollar rallied, hitting our Gold longs more than Silver, which had a tighter stop, which enabled us to miss most of the drop and reacquire our longs at the lows.


The agriculture sector produced mixed returns with corn and soya finally basing at the end of Q3.



5.0 Alpha Capture and Fund Performance


An incremental positive performance of 1.40% in a challenging quarter without clear direction, benefitting from long oil company and defence positions whilst losing on our gold and silver companies.

Individual Macro Market Analysis & Forecasts

The CIOs Macro View

If you’re interested in David’s strategic market perspectives, then this is for you.

These strategy updates are titled The Macro View, formerly Arkent Macro Scenarios, named after the Ark and the severity of the next expected global economic downturn.

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Access to David’s Macro Trade Executions - real-time trade recommendations across Equity Indices, Companies, Crypto Currency, FX Bonds, precious metals and commodities, within a secure member’s area on the website. Also sent in a newsletter, within minutes of publication to the website.
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In addition to David’s strategic market perspectives, titled The CIOs Macro View, this package will give you David’s invaluable real-time trade executions, including charts and market outlooks.

Choose at least one sector from Stocks, Crypto Currency, FX, Bonds, Emerging Markets or Commodities, and receive real-time updates and forecasts.

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Access to The CIOs Macro View - unified strategic market perspectives, within a secure member’s area on the website. Also sent in a newsletter, within minutes of publication to the website.
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Access to David’s Macro Trade Executions - real-time trade recommendations across Equity Indices, Companies, Crypto Currency, FX Bonds, precious metals and commodities, within a secure member’s area on the website. Also sent in a newsletter, within minutes of publication to the website.
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David’s global package is for anyone who needs David’s strategic market perspectives, updates and forecasts for all sectors: Stocks, Crypto Currency, FX, Bonds, Emerging Markets and Commodities.

You’ll receive real-time updates and forecasts as and when the markets changes, giving you predictions on when to make your move.

1 month - £5000


Immediate access to Murrinations Insights, on the website, as well as updates via newsletter alerts. David writes about geopolitics, national security/military, history and financial markets. Worth £500 p.a. 
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Access to The CIOs Macro View - unified strategic market perspectives, within a secure member’s area on the website. Also sent in a newsletter, within minutes of publication to the website.
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Access to David’s Macro Trade Executions - real-time trade recommendations across Equity Indices, Companies, Crypto Currency, FX Bonds, precious metals and commodities, within a secure member’s area on the website. Also sent in a newsletter, within minutes of publication to the website.
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The Arkent Fund

The Arkent fund is Global Forecasters unleveraged fund, that provides subscribers with our real time management of the Portfolio, with changes sent out real time. The rational behind the fund comes from or CIOs View product.



The External CIO

A bespoke service that integrates every aspect of The Global Macro Package subscription with the risk-taking aspects of our client's portfolios through personnel discussion and interaction. This also includes objective support with respect to the harnessing of trading psychology to maximise profitability.  A useful tool to maximise returns when under pressure from losses, or indeed after having an excellent run of profitability.



Arkent Scenario; Heads Up Phase 3 is Accelerating

Vix stock chart

Above is the Vix Chart that is running on rails. Expect a major upwards move in Volatility next week. As the wave 3 accelerates

Although last week might have seemed relatively quiet I believe that it has set the scene for some very big weeks ahead as our Phase 3 scenario begins to move into reality. The five crises of American decline are all in play and any one of them can appear from nowhere. Most of all I believe that with the perception of the Fed PUT making investments an apparent dead cert, everyone is max long and only a few smart investors are boldly short. The longs are in my view the walking dead.Note the risks of a stock market crash decline are extremely high, as delusion andreality meet.

1. Bond Markets

Look set to break to the upside in price in Bunds and US T Notes. This will be a dash to negative yields from the current 0.7% to -0.3% as the reality of the US  economic collapse hits home. Note the bond market is much smarter than the equity market. Breaks only ½ appoint higher should see accelerations to the upside. However once yields have gone negative the next phase will be a sovereign debt crisis due to the hugh debt levels incurred by the response to the pandemic compounding the already high debt burdens. As reported in the Guardian today.

Britain’s public debt is larger than the size of the country’s economy for the first time since 1963, after the government borrowed a record £55bn in May.

The total level of debt has risen by £173bn over the last year to reach £1.95tn, or 100.9% of GDP, as ministers introduced unprecedented support for businesses and households during the coronavirus crisis.

The UK joined Italy, the US and Japan in the club of nations with levels of borrowing higher than their national income as the latest Office for National Statisticsfigures showed the UK government borrowed £55.2bn in May, roughly nine times more than the same month last year and the highest monthly borrowing since comparable records began in 1993.

2.Gold and Silver

Look ready to break higher with Bonds. After a period of lateral corrections, I expect these two metals to truly surprise in the strength of their rally in the week ahead.

3.The Dollar.

Has been in a lateral correction, but I expect that the trend of the decline of the dollar will continue next week. Especially as the move to negative rates removes and Dollar carry advantage.

4.Emerging Markets

The MSCI along with other EM stock markets has been very correlated to the SP500 and similarly is ready to decline from current levels in the Phase 3 decline. What is fascinating is that the Dollar/Em currency pairs turned earlier than the stock markets complex by a week and have been coiling for a major upside break (EM currency weakness) to new highs.


Have been behaving like equities with coincident timing and they two finished their wave 2s on Friday so should drop in the days to come.

6.Individual Equities.

We are keen on three sectors.

  1. Long gold and silver stocks as they are set to sore so max positions here.
  2. Short the banking sector will suffer very heavily with the negative rate move.
  3. Short oil stocks will have a powerful drop as oil falls once more to below break evens.

Of note is that Tesla looks to have made a high and reversed (we are short) and all the strong US stocks that drove the corrective rally are now reversing.


Our scenario that OUR Phase 2 high was on 9/10 June looks stronger at this week's end.

Last week was in essence the wave 2 correction week, with a powerful rally that conformed to expectations of an irregular pattern  that got every bull in town hot and excited. The mantra I heard all week was, see I told you you could not fight the FED and ECBWhat fascinated me however was that no one seemed to realise that the price was lower than the major high of June 9/10th so why were they so bullish? Because wave 2s are all about giving the impression that the previous trend is intact, ie in this case the bull is in play. However Fridays drop is the start of wave 3 and whilst initially, the bulls will think they are right the impending falls below critical levels on the downside will begin to change this psychology. Expect a negative next week with price accelerating to the downside as it progresses. Note the risks of a crash decline are extremely high, as delusion andreality.

8.Special Feature last week's subtle patterns exposed.

As a special feature, I have included the subtly of the pattern differentiation between markets that helped me better predict the short term reversal points and rate the relative strengths of each market.

stock charts
market analysis

Macro Markets

This service is designed to provide long term and medium term investment outlooks in a range of markets including:


  • Fang Index
  • Nasdaq
  • S&P 500
  • Vix Volatility
  • Dow Jones Industrial
  • Russell 2000 Index
  • DAX
  • Euro Stoxx 50
  • Eurovix Volatility
  • FTSE 100
  • FTSE 250
  • FTSE 350 Travel
  • Italy 40
  • Spain 35
  • China A50
  • Hong Kong HS 50
  • Japan 225
  • Tawain Index
  • Other DM Indices


  • Ether
  • Litecoin
  • Bitcoin ($)
  • Crypto 10 Index


  • Dollar Index
  • Euro Krone
  • Euro Dollar
  • Euro Yen
  • Dollar Swiss
  • Dollar Yen
  • Dollar Yuan
  • Dollar Canada
  • Dollar Krone
  • Sterling (Cable)
  • Sterling Euro
  • Sterling Yen
  • Dollar NZD
  • EM Currencies


  • US 2 Year Note
  • Bonos
  • Bobl
  • US 10 Year Note
  • Bunds
  • UK Gilts
  • Italian BtB
  • EU
  • High Yield Credit

Emerging Markets

  • MSCI Index
  • South Africa 40
  • Brazil 60
  • India 50
  • Other EM Indices
  • Dollar/Mex
  • Dollar/Brazil
  • Dollar/Rand
  • Dollar Ruble
  • Dollar Turkish


  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Platinum
  • Palladium
  • Carbon Emissions
  • Oil
  • Natural Gas
  • London Gas Oil
  • CRB
  • Copper
  • Iron Ore
  • Aluminium
  • Lead
  • Nickel
  • Uranium
  • Lumber
  • Corn
  • Soya Beans
  • Wheat

Those marked in bold are more frequently updated.

Sample Executions

Below one indices is shown from each of the six sectors covered. Click on an indices or use the arrows provided to view each slide.

Emerging Markets

FTSE About to Accelerate to The Downside

Medium Term
Very Bearish

The FTSE has been trading in what to the unstrained eye looks like a sideways pattern. However it counts as a coil of 1,2s which is soon to accelerate to the downside. Thus sell a further 3x here at 6166 with a 6230 stop and move the stops on the 6x short sold at 6444, down to 6350 locking in a a 12x return.


Bitcoin-Reversal Structure In Play-Do Not Be suckered In!

Medium Term
Very Bearish


BitcoinT7a4HBitcoin has been tracing out what we believe is a diagonal triangle that will reverse to the downside anytime soon, in a sharp break lower to 30,000.

T7a sell 100% here at 62730 with a 65800 stop


T Notes; Increasing Position To Max Short

Medium Term
Very Bearish

We are increasing our Short position to a max 200% short here, as evidence builds to support the next move being down in price.

T17b sell 100% here @ 134.44 with a 134.84 stop

T Notes 17b

Brazil 60 Ending Its Phase 2 Correction

Medium Term
Very Bearish

The Brazil 60 has now completed its phase 2 correction and will reverse and start a decline to below the March lows.

T2a Sell 6x here @ 98.9K with a 103.0K stop 

Brazil 60

Take Profit On Gold

Medium Term

Gold looks to have completed a 5 wave rally from £1670 and should fall back to $1740 before the next phase of the rally.

take all profits here at $1782


Risk Allocation Rules

  1. Trade sizes are allocated on previous success and quality of the individual signals combined with signals from the bigger picture.
  2. The trade weighting model has evolved over the past quarters to hopefully give clients an improved measure of the perceived quality of opportunity associated with a trade recommendation. The essential principle is that each trade recommendation can have up to 10 risk unit on at any one time.100%=a 10 unit risk when translated into our performance stats.
    1. In Q4;2019 and Q1;2020 Trades were weighted with up to three risk units. Either 1x or 2x or 3x positions. In effect, a 1x position was a 33.3% weighting and  3x was a 100% weighting.
    2. In Q2;2020 Trades were weighted with up to nine risk units. Either 3x or 6x or 9x positions. In effect, a 3x position was a 33.3% weighting and  9x was a 100% weighting.
    3. In Q3;2020 Trades are migrating from the Q2;2020 structure (above) to one of the percentages. Thus In effect, a 3x position moves to a 33.3% weighting and a 9x moves to 100% weighting.
  3. Each unit is the same monetary amount from entry to stop, adjusted to size. The tighter the stop the bigger the trade size.
  4. Stops are moved as the trade progress and labelled stop 1, stop 2 and stop 3, etc.
  5. As our levels are set precisely we allow for errors in data and illiquidity. Thus stops have a discretionary add to survive through high or low tick outs.
    1. 0.5% a percent ticks in equity indexes and 2% on individual equities
    2. 40 ticks on ten year Bond trades.
    3. 0.5% on FX.
    4. 1.0% on Gold 2.5% cents on silver.
    5. 2.5% cents on all other commodities
  6. Each quarter-end there will be a performance summary  for my geopolitical calls and market calls and profitability concerning each market


From the start of my career in finance as discretionary trader 35 years ago, I have believed that the price of a market at any one time contains all aspects of the information available. Why I hear you ask?

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market mavericks


We would all like to benefit from seeing further into the future, whether buying stocks, crafting policy, launching a new product, or simply planning the week's meals. Unfortunately, people in general tend to be terrible forecasters!

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