Global Trader: Your External CIO

Applying the code of markets to generate significant Alpha Returns

Designed for professional asset managers and financial institutions to enhance your alpha generation across all sectors of the world's financial and commodity markets. Derived from The Hedge fund Models created by CIO David Murrin as used by Emergent Asset management. We integrate unique behavioural models and market theories, across all time frames to predict the future path of global geopolitics and markets. Much like a weather forecaster predicts the weather. Real-time, ever-changing.

All our trade executions use defined entry points and stop losses. Our long-term track record is second to none and all our predictions are recorded and auditable.

“David, your fully integrated work combining global geopolitical historical perspective, overlaid with a keen understanding of the inner working of financial markets, provides a level of wisdom that is rare. The quality and depth of research is invaluable to leaders across the political, corporate and investment disciplines.”

Satish Rai - Chief Investment Officer OMERS Pension Fund Canada

Breaking The Code Of Markets

Macro Products

Macro Market Forecasts

  • Equities
  • Crypto
  • FX
  • Bonds
  • Emerging Markets
  • Commodities
  1. The CIOs Macro View – comprises our full spectrum market strategy across all seven Macro sectors defined below, which integrates all of the elements of our Geopolitical perspectives (Murrinations Insights) and market views into one coherent strategy and perspective. They are updated as and when major market events provide new information, which is on average once or twice a month. This product is ideal for CIOs and Senior Risk takers to gain an external and independent perspective. Our clients include hedge funds, pension funds and family offices. Our strategies cover long and medium time frames, and are designed to be used in conjunction with our Macro Trade Executions to maximise risk versus reward through short-term entry points that then cascade in the longer-term trend direction. View Subscription Options
  2. The Premium CIOs View – This includes Macro Trade Executions, Murrinations Insights and The CIOs Macro View - this service is designed to provide specific trade recommendations in line with The CIOs Macro View – in the seven market sectors outlined below. We provide real-time entry points and stops and recommended sizes relating to our evaluation of the quality of the trade (ranging from 33%, 66%, 100% 133%, 166%, 200%). Our results are published at the end of each quarter, so that our performance in various sectors can be evaluated by our clients, allowing them to assess the reliability of our forecasts and the quality of our returns. New trades are sent via emails providing actionable real-time trade recommendations. Each sector is available to subscribe to separately or all together as part of our Global Macro package.;  The global market sectors are: Equity Indices, FX, Crypto Currencies, Bond Markets, Emerging Market FX and Indices and Commodity Markets. View Subscription Options
  3. The Global Macro Package includes Murrinations Insights, The CIOs View, and The Premium CIOs View with its Macro Trade Executions for all sectors. In addition, advisory packages are available on request. View Subscription Options
  4. The Arkent Fund – The Arkent fund is Global Forecasters unleveraged fund, that provides subscribers with our real time management of the Portfolio, with changes sent out real time. The rational behind the fund comes from or CIOs View product. Price by agreement. Engage David
  5. The External CIO – provides a bespoke service that integrates every aspect of The Global Macro Package subscription with the risk-taking aspects of our clients portfolios through personnel discussion and interaction. This also includes objective support with respect to the harnessing of trading psychology to maximise profitability. A useful tool to maximise returns when under pressure from losses, or indeed after having an excellent run of profitability. Price by agreement. Engage David

Long/Short Shares

Long/Short Share Forecasts

  • RUSSELL 2000
  1. The CIOs Long–Short View – this service is designed to provide long-term and medium-term investment outlooks for long–short funds and aims to follow a portfolio of 50 shares from the sectors that we cover. View Subscription Options
  2. The Premium Long–Short View – this service is designed to provide long-term and medium-term investment outlooks into long and short positions covering some 120 individual shares, which are divided into the following sectors: Agriculture, Aviation, Banks, Consumer, Credit, Energy, Entertainment, Heavy Industry, Hi-Tech, Homebuilders, Mining, Precious Metals, Russell 2000, Space, Travel. View Subscription Options
  3. The Long–Short Package includes The CIOs Long–Short View and The Premium Long–Short View. View Subscription Options
  4. The External CIO – provides a bespoke service that integrates every aspect of The Long–Short Package subscription with the risk-taking aspects of our clients portfolios through personnel discussion and interaction. This also includes objective support with respect to the harnessing of trading psychology to maximise profitability. A useful tool to maximise returns when under pressure from losses, or indeed after having an excellent run of profitability. Price by agreement. Engage David

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Global Trader - David Murrin

Global Forecaster provides a unique alpha-generation capability, using an in-house  geopolitical overview of macro events based on David Murrin’s models of collective human behaviour. These have enabled accurate predictions of UK and US elections, the onset and end of the Covid pandemic, the recent surges in inflation and the dynamics of Russia and China’s hegemonic challenges in relation to the onset of WW3. All with a focus on profitable asset allocation and market timing, achieved by combining geopolitical predictions with our market behavioural models.

This produces actionable real-time market analysis across seven macro sectors: commodities, equity indices, bonds, FX, crypto currencies and EM indices and currencies, covering some 80 individual macro markets. Along with a parallel long/short market-analysis programme covering 200 shares. Both products have demonstrated  an outstanding Alpha generation track record.

Geopolitical and market calls are made only when significant opportunities are located, and structured within a risk framework. This service is designed to provide long-term and medium-term investment outlooks with precise short-term risk-controlled entry points. David’s work challenges entrenched assumptions and often the market consensus, whilst sharing astute practical examples from history that provide asset-management roadmaps to guide you through today’s turbulent realities.

About David

David has been described as a polymath. His financial career of more than three decades has focussed on finding and understanding collective human behavioural patterns and then using them to project future events. He has a remarkable track record that goes back to 1990, when whilst at JPM he developed a unique and effective set of behavioural models to predict financial markets, which were extremely effective and profitable. They acted as the foundation for his 20-year career as CIO of his hedge fund Emergent, which achieved some remarkable returns in especially in bear markets (e.g. 84% in 2008).

David follows Winston Churchill’s maxim “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” He has combined his fascination with military history, geopolitics and finance into a unified geopolitical model, published in Breaking the Code of History in 2009. This book highlights the key factors in today's changing world, as power shifts from the West to the East. His central idea is the Five-Phase Life Cycle of Empire, which analyses and “decodes” the rise and fall of empires throughout history, from the Roman Empire right through to the rise of China today.  He also points out the many factors that influence the rise and fall of regions and countries, including demographics, climate change and its impact on scarce resources, and technology. Whilst these forces take decades to build up, much like tectonic plates straining motionless at their boundaries, they can be released over a very short time. Today we are living through the release of just such huge geopolitical forces, which will change our world significantly.

Key Market and Geopolitical callsSee All