Governmental Advisor

Deliverable: Our focus will be to futureproof national strategies against macro trends, de-risking against shocks and finding new opportunities and strategies for growth.

The theories within Breaking The Code Of History have significant implications for all arms of government. David believes that using this new way of looking at the world not only gives one a clear view of what is happening and the most probable way events will unfold at the broadest level, but also provides a tool for avoiding many of the dangerous situations we face.

The challenges presented by the emerging new world order are particularly difficult for governments of the Western world to solve, without fully understanding the context of the maturity of the old Western Christian Super Empire.

Sadly, the institutions of established Western governments are old and rigid, and, as per many historical examples, have filtered out those members from their ranks who, by their very nature, are able to see the world from out of the box and are best able to see the oncoming global changes and create constructive solutions.

As experienced lateral strategic thinkers, we will be able to help fill that gap and welcome the chance to share Breaking The Code Of History with leaders in the hope that it will result in more-constructive outcomes for our modern world.

Contact David


Global Strategist