Press Kit

Biographical resources-Full version

David Murrin began his unique career in the oil exploration business, amongst the jungles of Papua New Guinea and the southwestern Pacific islands, engaging with the numerous tribes of the Sepik River and exploring the mineral composition of the region. Before the age of adventure tourism, this region was highly dangerous, very uncertain and local indigenous groups were often hostile and cannibalistic. Not only did he  keep his head, but it was his work with the PNG tribespeople that catalyzed his theories on collective human behaviour.

Read full biography here.

Biographical resources-Short Version

“David’s extraordinary career has taken him from the oil fields of Papua New Guinea in the 1970s as a Geophysicists, through to the trading floor of JPMorgan in the ‘80s to his building his own Hedge Funds in the 1990s and then building an African Agricultural agglomerate. After successfully selling those Funds he has been building new businesses and  writing prolifically with amazing prescience. For more information on his books, long and short articles and how to book him as a speaker please go to “.