An interview with Canadian Prepper discussing Kondratiev waves, WWI, WWII, linear and lateral thinking and how we got to the current geopolitical situation and WWIII.
Great episode Nate & David! I’m in Australia & I’ve been uneasy for quite a while! The news of the Chinese flotilla circumnavigating our great nation a couple of weeks ago filled me with absolute dread. If conflict comes to Australia, I get the feeling we are absolutely toast. I’m age 64 & I feel more vulnerable now than I can ever remember.
I travelled through china & tibet for a month --ten years ago. When I saw the chinese occupation in tibet I literally thought to myself, it is only a matter of time before we are all speaking chinese. Get ready folks.
The cycles that he spoke about were fascinating. I heard about that before, but I really want to delve deeper into these cycles. It's almost as if the cycle is going to happen regardless of who was in power.
Great guest! One of the best if not the absolute best conversation I’ve heard on here.. thanks bro. (Long time Alberta listener)
Absolutely love those thoughts provoking video!
Amazing guest!
Very educational show. Thank you guys
Excellent video. Thank you. I think it's more important than ever to appreciate every moment of life, and to enjoy every day as well as you can.
Eye opening, for sure!
Thank you both for making this video. It’s the most insightful conversation I have heard for a very long time. I will definitely be subscribing to Davids Newsletter. Thanks guys. Keep up the great work. The world needs you to.
Nate, and David, this discussion has been the best EVERH. Thank you so much for your valuable time for covering so much.
Amazing interview, so much information, definitely needs more than one watch.
Excellent. Thank you for this David and Nate. Many won’t like hearing the truth but truth hurts!
Great discussion.
Excellent. Thanks for sharing